Cecelia Martinez
Women Who Code Front End Track Volunteer
👋 Introduce yourself in the chat 💬
What is the problem you are trying to solve for your audience?
I understand how to use a tool but not the best applications for it.
I want to better understand how to build or leverage non-technical skills for my career
Seeing best practices from other teams helps me better understand how to guide my own team.
I need to quickly understand a concept or non-technical skill to solve a problem on my team.
In this talk, I will ...
demonstrate best practices for testing with NgRX
by ...
highlighting common testing use cases for Actions and Selectors
so that...
you can quickly implement a testing strategy without getting too bogged down with complex technical details.
Time: 5 minutes
Write your first draft of your problem statement!
Discuss ideas in chat or use Q&A for questions!
"How will you structure your content for maximum impact?"
Speaker bio
Purpose or goals
Contact information
Define the problem
Why is it important?
Use case details
Define terms and concepts
Discuss ideas in chat or use Q&A for questions!
Making the most of your message.
Yes, it's normal to be nervous!
Time: 5 minutes
Practice a short introduction where you introduce yourself and your problem statement. Below is a sample script, but feel free to make it your own!
Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am [ROLE]. Today I will be speaking about [TOPIC AREA]. In this talk, I will… [PROBLEM STATEMENT].