Sistemas de soporte al negocio electrónico

Máster de Gestión y Tecnología de Procesos de Negocios

“Blockchain Technology: The Revolution in Online transactions”


Profesor Miguel J. Hornos

Work done by:

Celso Bispo

Abdullah Aljohani




Single point of failure

Have to Trust the one in charge

not immutable

Solution: Blockchain

So what is Blockchain

Blockchain technology allows digital information to be distributed but not copied, blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet. Where verification is achieved through consensus

It is a distributed, immutable, decentralised ledger



Understanding Blockchain through bitcoin

Bitcoin :

  • Decentralized cryptocurrency;
  • OPEN Protocol & P2P;
  • ​Pseudo anounymous;


  • ​Network of nodes;
  • Destribuited database;
  • Incorruptible digital ledger of transactions ;
  • Decentralized;


Public Blockchain

Consortium Blockchain

Types of Blockchain

Private Blockchain

Types of Blockchain

Linux Foundation & Industry leaders

IBM is the leader in secure open-source blockchain solutions built for the enterprise. As an early member of the Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Project, IBM is dedicated to supporting the development of openly-governed blockchains. IBM has worked with more

than 400 clients across financial services, supply chains, IoT, risk management, digital rights management and healthcare to implement blockchain applications delivered via the IBM Cloud. For more information about IBM Blockchain, visit

SMART Contract

  • Online Payments security;
  • ​Transations online in general;
  • Cryptocurrency eliminates the need for trust;
  • ​Eliminate the need for intermidiaries.




Blockchain in e-commerce security

Libertarian DNS system

Blockchain today

Music Industry

Blockchain today

SMART Contracts of Energy

Blockchain today

Final Considerations


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