five minute write-in
After reading today's piece, think about your own role/place within an American public sphere.
Ask yourself:
What are its rules?
what issues and concerns define this sphere?
how do you engage in it from Lewisburg?
The current media landscape was made possible by technology, the spread of ideas, and international sources of funding
Benedict Anderson
Nation-states form in part by access to media that creates a shared sense of the past and current predicaments.
Jurgen Habermas
Theorized an ideal public sphere where shared language, forms of address and reference points would found the basis of conversation.
Habermas|Ideas critiqued because:
Despite critiques, both Habermas and Anderson's work important for assessing the public sphere
In the Middle East it enters a century long conversation
For Lynch: "I define the public sphere in terms of active arguments before an audience about issues of shared concern...participation is crucial." (pg.32)
Satellite precursor?
Voice of the Arabs
Alahmed, A. 2011. "Voice of the Arabs Radio: Its Effects and Political Power during the Nasser Era (1953-1967)
Umm Kulthum on Voice of the Arabs
Public Sphere in the Middle East
The 'Arab Street'
"To summarize our results, we found that the term arab street is associated with volatility and irrationality, as revealed by the contexts of its use in the US written news media. we also found that the term arab street is the overwhelmingly predominant means of referring to Arab public opinion in the US media; by contrast, the literal and less freighted term Arab public opinion is surprisingly rare. Thus, the street metaphor carries negative connotations and is extremely widespread." --Regeier and Khalidi (2009)
Has Satellite television replaced Pan-Arabism?
Satellites connect a diasporic community to repressed others, emphasizing shared concerns amongst transnational locations.
This public sphere should not be idealized!
The spread of Arab media linked to desire for larger commercial shares and political influence
Egypt vs. Al Jazeera
Before the Arab Spring, satellite tv open the ability to
Al Jazeera's success due in large part to its focus on issues ignored by states: