Zero to Silex

Chris Smith


  • Web Developer specializing in PHP
  • I regularly write at
  • Father of two
  • Mountain Biker
  • Brewer

Let's learn!

  • Briefly:
    • Frameworks vs Microframeworks
    • Git
    • Composer
    • PHP's built-in webserver
  • In Depth:
    • Building a basic app in Silex w/ user auth


micro Frameworks

choose your weapon

  • Silex
  • Limonade
  • GluePHP
  • FlightPHP
  • Fat-Free Framework
  • MicroMVC
  • Bullet
  • Bento
  • Yolo
  • Fluphy
  • Tonic
  • Phlyty
  • Phraw
  • Photon
  • Fitzgerald
  • phpMF
  • Tachyon
  • Pupcake
  • Relax
  • Lime
  • Shield
  • Hydra
  • Slim
  • Gum

Get it done with git

git it?

PHP's best friend

Say goodbye to this

Git-ing setup

# Install PHP & Git
apt-add-repository ppa:ondrej/php5
apt-get update
apt-get install php5 php5-intl php5-common git mysql-server

# Setup DB
mysql -uroot -e 'CREATE DATABASE zero2silex;'

# Get Composer
curl -sS | php

# Pull down Silex
composer require silex/silex

# Start PHP server
php -S localhost:8000 

references and links

Thank You!

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