Sports Data Solutions

Author: Charlotte McAndrew

Solutions Team

Building the Sports Data

Identifying existing solutions skills

Who gets it?

Who wants it?

Who can drive it?

What is success?

Collaborative culture

Reshaping the customer experience

Product innovation

Improving current services

Increased contribution

Skills for success


Project focus

Technical knowledge



skills for success


Actively encouraging discussion not just response


Face time - it ISN'T copyrighted



Looking within 


Performance management




Who? Why? How? 


Basics - not for everybody 


The applications of API 


Technical knowledge

Improving engagement 


Responsibility and ownership



Bridging the gaps

Eliminating 'them and us'

Encouraging collaboration

Cross training

Shared focus

6 weeks

12 weeks

20 weeks

Initial observation & assessment of existing skills and capabilities

Process training


Project awareness


1 to 1

Project management training

Training - customer focus & database technology 

Identification of solutions team members and role allocation

Management training


Performance management

Self development

Team  development

How are we doing?

Improvement of communication

Transformed customer experience 


Increased contribution

Efficacy of existing & new processes, services and products

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