Charly POLY
Paris TypeScript #13
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Should I use TypeScript? Do I need it?
⚠️ Theses slides only reflects my opinion, lessons I learned and quoted opinions of others developers.
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Types are written by the developers and not checked at runtime,
so the “strength” of your program depends on your usage of TypeScript.
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Is a 15% reduction in bugs making it all the way through your development pipeline worth it to you?
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
TypeScript is a static type-checking tool, it does not guarantee that your code will run as expected at runtime.
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
TypeScript shouldn't be used to put some non-JavaScript developers on the front-end as fast as possible.
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
TypeScript allow developers to focus on exposed API
rather than having to know all the code by heart.
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
This allow me to focus on real problems and let TypeScript cover my back on the things I already know but that I forget sometimes (typos, standard APIs, etc …)
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Even if “TypeScript” contains “type”,
the language do not force us to use types.
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons
Why use TypeScript, good and bad reasons