Rock Model: An Approach to Traction


Brought to you by Kickfurther



  The progress of a start-up business and the momentum it gains while the business grows. 

Business growth through the completion of specific company goals and objectives. 


Measuring Traction 

There is no individual way to measure traction. At Kickfurther, we measure traction based on KPI's.  


Key performance indicators. These indicators measure the progress of tasks completed and the relationship the tasks have to the overall goals of the company. 

The Rock Model Analogy

Imagine a mason jar with a defined amount of space. The space within the jar represents time. 

We can fill our jar with four items: rocks, pebbles, sand and water. 

The order in which we place the objects into the jar is crucial to the business model. 

Rocks are the first input into the model. Rocks represent the primary goals of a company. They include major benchmarks and milestones a company would like to accomplish in a set period of time. 





The second input of the model are pebbles, which fill in space around the rocks. These pebbles represent the tasks that

will facilitate the completion of your major rock goals. 


The next addition to the jar is sand. The sand fills in all the leftover space within the jar and represents the tedious day-to-day tasks that must be completed in order for the business to stay afloat. 



Finally, there are the little tasks that take time but can't really be planned. This is water.

Order of Operations

The key to the rock cycle is the order of operations. If you begin by filling the jar with pebbles and sand, your business will have no room, or time, for the primary goals that really matter - the major rocks. 

Whether you are an emerging start-up or an established business, allocating 'rocks' to achieve your goals is paramount to success. 

Kickfurther Rocks 

Kickfurther has allocated four major rocks for the final quarter of 2015. 


1. 600k Monthly Deal Flow 

2. 3,000 Active Users

3. 19/20 Paybacks on Time 

4. Automation of Key Processes

Kickfurther is a crowdfunding platform that allows emerging businesses to access financing by leveraging inventory in order to facilitate growth and market exposure. 


On Kickfurther you can invest directly in the inventory of a business and earn profit as the goods sell. Typical deals offer 10% profit in only 6 months! 


Over $1 million in funded inventory with over 85 companies served

If you're interested in making investments, click on the link below to create a user profile with Kickfurther, and make your financial portfolio a major rock to your personal success. 

For businesses interested in growing their company through inventory financing, click on the link below to list your business with Kickfurther, and make overall growth a major rock in your business model. 

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