Presented by Aditya Thakur

Introduction to CSS Animations

@keyframes and Animations

The main component of CSS animations is @keyframes, the CSS rule where animation is created.

To make CSS animations work, you need to bind the  @keyframes to a selector.

The @keyframes

  • Name: (of our choice)
  • Stages: 0%-100%; from (equal to 0%) and to (equal to 100%).
  • CSS styles: the style that you would like to apply for each stage.

Here we'll set the animation stages. Our @keyframes  properties are:

For example:

@keyframes fade {
  0% {
    opacity: 1;
  100% {
    opacity: 0;

The code above will apply a transition to the opacity of an element, from opacity: 1 to opacity: 0. Each of the approaches above will achieve the same end result.

The Animation

The animation property is used to call @keyframes inside a CSS selector. Animation can have multiple properties:

  • animation-name: @keyframes name (remember we chose fade).
  • animation-duration: the timeframe length.
  • animation-timing-function: sets the animation speed.
  • animation-delay: the delay before our animation will start.
  • animation-iteration-count: how many times it will iterate.
  • animation-direction: gives you the ability to change the loop direction.
  • animation-fill-mode: specifies which styles will be applied to the element when our animation is finished.

For example:

.element {
  animation-name: fade;
  animation-duration: 4s;
  animation-delay: 1s;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-timing-function: linear;
  animation-direction: alternate;

or shorthand:

.element {
  animation: fade 2s 1s infinite linear alternate;

Adding Vendor Prefixes

The standard prefixes apply:

  • Chrome & Safari: -webkit-
  • Firefox: -moz-
  • Opera: -o-
  • Internet Explorer: -ms-

An animation property using vendor prefixes will look like:

.element {
    -webkit-animation: fade 4s 1s infinite linear alternate;
    -moz-animation: fade 4s 1s infinite linear alternate;
    -ms-animation: fade 4s 1s infinite linear alternate;
    -o-animation: fade 4s 1s infinite linear alternate;
    animation: fade 4s 1s infinite linear alternate;

alongside with @keyframes:

@-webkit-keyframes fade { /* your style */ }
@-moz-keyframes fade { /* your style */ }
@-ms-keyframes fade { /* your style */ }
@-o-keyframes fade { /* your style */ }
@keyframes fade { /* your style */ }

Multiple Animations

You can add multiple animations using a comma separator.

@keyframes fade {
  to {
    opacity: 0;
@keyframes rotate {
  to {
    transform: rotate(180deg);

.element {
  animation: fade 2s 1s infinite linear alternate,
             rotate 2s 1s infinite linear alternate;

Square to Circle Tutorial

Let’s create a simple shape transition; a square to circle animation using the above principles. We will have five stages in total and for each stage we will define a border-radius, a rotation and a different background color to our element.

Basic Element

First, let’s create the markup, an element to animate.


Then, using an element selector (div {}), add default styling to the div:

div {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: coral; 

Declaring the Keyframes

Now let’s prepare @keyframes, which we'll call square-to-circle, and the five stages

@keyframes square-to-circle {

Let's begin by adding the border-radius for each corner of the square:

@keyframes square-to-circle {
  0%  {
    border-radius:0 0 0 0;
  25%  {
    border-radius:50% 0 0 0;
  50%  {
    border-radius:50% 50% 0 0;
  75%  {
    border-radius:50% 50% 50% 0;
  100% {

Additionally we can declare a different background-color and rotation for each stage.

@keyframes square-to-circle {
  0%  {
    border-radius:0 0 0 0;
  25%  {
    border-radius:50% 0 0 0;
  50%  {
    border-radius:50% 50% 0 0;
  75%  { 
    border-radius:50% 50% 50% 0;
  100% {  

Apply the Animation

div {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: coral;
  animation: square-to-circle 2s 1s infinite alternate;  

One Last Thing

All works well in modern browsers, but Firefox renders transforming objects poorly. Take a look at these jagged lines:

Add the following transparent outline to your div and Firefox will render things perfectly!

div {
    outline: 1px solid transparent;

That's it! We've used CSS Animation syntax to create a simple, repeating animation.



Hopefully something was learned!!

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