Step into the AI Era:

Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop

(aka how to make AI play Atari games)


 Advanced issues found

Cheuk Ting Ho



Why we like games?

Environment is simple

Actions are limited

Reward is quantified


that is, easy to solve


but Reinforcement Learning is not limited to games

The Journey:

Part 1

  • What is Reinforcement Learning
  • 101 of Reinforcement Learning
  • Crossentropy Method
  • Exercise - Crossentropy Method
  • Exercise - Deep Crossentropy Method

Part 2

  • Model-free Model
  • Cliff World: Q-learning vs SARSA
  • Exercise - Cliff World

Part 3

  • Experience Replay
  • Approximate Q-learning and Deep Q-Network
  • Exercise - DQN

Agent: cart (Action: left, right)

Environment: the mountain

State: Location of the cart (x, y)

Reward: reaching the flag (+10)

Policy: series of actions

Define the problem

Markov Decision Process

outcomes are partly under the control of a decision maker (choosing an action) partly random (probability to a state)

Cross-entropy method


- a table to keep track of the policy

- reward corresponding to the state and action pair

- update policy according to elite state and actions

Deep learning

- approximate with neural net

- when the table becomes too big

*caution: randomness in environment

Cross-entropy method

  1. Sample rewards
  2. Check the rewards distribution
  3. Pick the elite policies (reward > certain percentile)
  4. Update policy with only the elite policies


Deep learning

- Agent pick actions with prediction from a MLP classifier on the current state


Model-free Policy

Bellman equations depends on P(s',r|s,a)

What if we don't know P(s',r|s,a)?

Introduction Qπ(s,a) which is the expected gain at a state and action following policy π 

Learning from trajectories

which is a sequence of
– states (s)
– actions (a)
– rewards (r)

Model-free Policy

Model-based: you know P(s'|s,a)
 - can apply dynamic programming
 - can plan ahead

Model-free: you can sample trajectories
 - can try stuff out
 - insurance not included

Model-free Policy

Finding expectation by:

1: Monte-Carlo

  • Averages Q over sampled paths
  • Needs full trajectory to learn
  • Less reliant on markov property

2: temporal difference

  • Uses recurrent formula for Q
  • Learns from partial trajectory
  • Works with infinite MDP
  • Needs less experience to learn

Exploration vs Exploitation

Don't want agent to stuck with current best action

Balance between using what you learned and trying to find
something even better

Exploration vs Exploitation

With probability ε take random action;
otherwise, take optimal action

Pick action proportional to softmax of shifted
normalized Q-values

Cliff world

(not Doom)

Q-learning will learn to follow the shortest path from the "optimal" policy


Reality: robot will fall due to
epsilon-greedy “exploration"


Introducing SARSA

Cliff world

(not Doom)


SARSA gets optimal rewards under current policy

Q-learning assume policy would be optimal

Cliff world

(not Doom)

on-policy (e.g. SARSA)

  • Agent can pick actions
  • Agent always follows his own policy

off-policy (e.g. Q-learning)

  • Agent can't pick actions
  • Learning with exploration, playing without exploration
  • Learning from expert (expert is imperfect)
  • Learning from sessions (recorded data)


Experience replay

  • Store several past interactions in buffer
  • Train on random subsamples
  • Don't need to re-visit same (s,a) many times to learn it
  • Only works with off-policy algorithms

Approx. Q learning

State space is usually large,
sometimes continuous.

And so is action space;

Approximate agent with a function

Learn Q value using neural network

However, states do have a structure,

similar states have similar action outcomes.


Paper published by Google Deep Mind

to play Atari Breakout in 2015

Stacked 4 flames together and use a CNN as an agent (see the screen then take action)



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