Trying No GIL on Scientific Programming

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Do you know what is GIL?

What is GIL

  • Global Interperter Lock
  • Only a single operating system thread is used to run Python
  • Limit only one thread can access an object at a time
  • Imagine one thread is adding an object and another deleting it - lock is needed
  • Other programs may have multiple locks to do it but it is more complicated than GIL

What is No-gil Python

  • Clone of 3.9
  • 4th attempt - Previous by Greg Stein (1996), Adam Olsen (2007) and Larry Hastings (2016)
  • by Sam Gross
  • Why no-gil => make use of multiple cores => SPEED

Design and challanges

  • Need to be good at both single-thread and multi-threads
  • Challenges - Reference counting - Bias reference counting
  • Make commonly used objects immortal - no ref count
  • Make some objects deferred ref counting - add counts at GC

Design and challanges

  • Challenges - thread safety for objects like dict and list
  • Using small locks
  • Manually write the lock orders using CPython API
  • replacement of Python’s built-in allocator pymalloc with mimalloc for thread safety
  • Need to stop the world for GC

How does it perform for scitific programs?

  • Most scientific packages have cpy modules, JIT compiler or Cython for speed up
  • Do programs benefit from no GIL?
  • Test it on some popular scientific processes

How to test it?

  • Try on something using pure Python
  • Try on something with Scikit-learn, NumPy and Scipy
  • Try on something about neural network
  • campare No Gil, original 3.9 and 3.11
  • Code I tested are on GitHub
  • Run experiment on GitHub action (reproducible)
  • cProfile report for extra investigation

Test #0 - Fibonacci

Generate first 25 numbers in Fibonacci sequence

- Average over 50 times

No GIL CPython 3.9 CPython 3.11
0.0242614s 0.0452114s 0.0275933s

* run on GitHub Action ubuntu-latest (Ubuntu 22.04) with 2 cores

Significant improvement from 3.9
A bit better than 3.11

Test #1 - SVM

We use Recognizing hand-written digits

- Average over 50 times

No GIL CPython 3.9 CPython 3.11
0.0327320s 0.0319601s 0.0295781s

* run on GitHub Action ubuntu-latest (Ubuntu 22.04) with 2 cores

No significant difference

Test #2 - Clustering

We use A demo of K-Means clustering on the handwritten digits data - Average over 50 times

No GIL CPython 3.9 CPython 3.11
k-means++ 0.230s 0.176s 0.188s
random 0.032s 0.024s 0.025s
PCA-based 0.015s 0.012s 0.012s

No significant difference (or worse)

* run on GitHub Action ubuntu-latest (Ubuntu 22.04) with 2 cores

Test #3 - Decision Tree

We use the Iris data set in Plot the decision surface of decision trees trained on the iris dataset 

- averaging all pairs of features

No GIL CPython 3.9 CPython 3.11
0.397881ms 0.6451607ms 0.6741285ms
🥇 🥈 🥉

* run on GitHub Action ubuntu-latest (Ubuntu 22.04) with 2 cores

Test #4 - Linear algebra

We use Linear algebra on n-dimensional arrays

- Average over 50 times

No GIL CPython 3.9 CPython 3.11
SVD 0.263492s 0.242731s 0.265867s
Norm 0.0235930s 0.0198416s 0.0237444s
Transpose  1.759529µs 1.850128µs 1.974106µs

* run on GitHub Action ubuntu-latest (Ubuntu 22.04) with 2 cores

Test #5 - Image filters

We use X-ray image processing

- Average over 50 times

No GIL CPython 3.9 CPython 3.11
Laplacian-Gaussian 0.0335324s 0.0298902s 0.0309711s
Gaussian gradient magnitude 0.0711931s 0.0638475s 0.0655634s
Sobel filter 0.0835007s 0.0739401s 0.0758417s
Canny filter 0.0701143s 0.0669602s 0.0633507s

* run on GitHub Action ubuntu-latest (Ubuntu 22.04) with 2 cores

Test #6 - MLPClassifier

We use Compare Stochastic learning strategies for MLPClassifier

- Average over 10 times

No GIL CPython 3.9 CPython 3.11
3.25005s 2.72408s 2.61342s
🥉 🥈 🥇

* run on GitHub Action ubuntu-latest (Ubuntu 22.04) with 2 cores

Does it mean that no GIL does not help?

Why we didn't see much differnece

  • C extension processes already using multi-threads
  • C extensions may still expecting a GIL
  • It needs to adapt to no GIL mode
  • Compatibility can be an issue
  • Only comparing on dual-core (env dependent)
  • no GIL Python fork is still a work in progress

So what do we learnt?

  • Python is very versatile
  • There are different tools for different jobs
  • Creating a general strategy to solve all problems is impossible
  • Thank you for Sam and all the maintainers who are making Python and the tools we used better


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