Starter guide for absolute beginners
Grab this slide deck:
"Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
Have you ever make a copy of a file before editing it because you want to keep an old verison "just to be save"?
1. Time travel - no more "final verision" and "final final version"
2. Collaboration - different people can work on the same file without accidentally changing others work
3. Tracebility - record all the changes that is made (and who made it)
Branch / Merge 🌱
Rebase ⚾
Cherry Pick 🍒
Get an account:
Fork means that you make a copy of the repo and put it under your account
PR = Pull Request. You send your changes "as a message" to ask the repo owner to accept your change (upstreaming)
git for data
Python tutorial every Sunday 2pm UK time
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