Building Components without Borders

by Ryan edge

I build multiplatform applications for Web, Desktop, and Mobile

I ❤️ Flutter and React

We're not here to talk about CSS border properties

We're here to talk about frameworks

What’s wrong with frameworks?

What's wrong with frameworks? The browser

  • Rapid change over decades
  • An influx of ideas from various backgrounds
  • inputs fuel experimentation, excitement, and adaptation

Every devs favorite game...


  • Cannot keep up with browser changes
  • Require complete buy-in
  • Migrating = rewrite


Make us productive so we love them.


No matter how much businesses want the ability to reuse components, JavaScript frameworks as we know them are never going to deliver interop. It’s called “framework churn” and not “component mixing” because to adopt the new thing the old one must be plowed under.  - Alex Russell

But first, what are Web Components?

Web Components are...

  • Performant Browser APIs that rely on the web's component model
    • Shadow DOM
    • HTML Templates
    • Custom Elements
  • Encapsulated ways to create custom, reusable HTML tags
  • Framework agnostic

Web Components power...


Apple Music*

USA Today















To build Web Components, we'll use a popular library called Stencil

  • Developed by Ionic
  • Compiles to framework-agnostic components

Isn't Stencil a Framework?

  • Stencil is a framework for building component libraries
  • Abstracts the complexity of web components
  • Framework-like component syntax

Who uses Stencil?

Would you like to know more?

Architecture of a Stencil Component

The Component decorator

  tag: "fancy-tag",
  scoped: true,
  styles: `
    :host {
      display: inline-block;

The Component decorator creates the custom element (like Angular).

The component definition

export class FancyTag {
   * Button variant - grey, success, error, alert, secondary
  @Prop() variant: "grey" | "success" | "error" | "alert" = "grey"

  render() {
    const classes = cc([containerCls, this.variant])

    return (
        <div class={classes}>
            <slot />

The style definition

const containerCls = css`
  border-radius: 13px;
  text-align: center;
  > div {
    padding: 5px 11px;

  &.alert {
    background-color: ${colors.alert};
    > div {
      background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.35);

  &.success {
    background-color: ${colors.success};
    > div {
      background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);

Putting it all together

  • Use adapters for React
  • Straightforward elsewhere

Show me the code!

Wrapping up

  • Frameworks & Web Components 👍
  • Browser APIs & framework churn 💩
  • Stencil solves developing pains 😊

Wrapping up

Thanks 🐑

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