English Test for 8th grade

1.- 5 minutes to warm up.

2.- Listen to the convesation, then answer the questions ( 10 minutes)


1.- How many people are there in the conversation?

2.- Who has nice accent?

3.- What does Roberto Study?

4.-  What does Karla Study?

5.-What does Silim study?

6.- What does Karla Think about German?

Answer the questions





3.- Discribe the picture by speaking ( 1 minute for each student)

Please listen to the 2 messages about the party then answer the  questions,

 10 minutes

1.- What is the messega 1 about?

2.- Is she calling home or cellphone?

3.- What did her friend give her for her birthday?

4.- Who is she inviting for the party?

5.- Where is the party?

6.- Message 2:  If she takes her car, please name 3 places she has to pass       through?

7.- If she takes a bus, which one has to be?


8 minutes

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