You get to be an instructor at the most amazing educational institution in the world.
Key Takeaways
Why are they going to be better engineers for having listened to this lecture?
Understand the common failure patterns
Thumbs Check. All the time.
Put the question back on the asker
Take the pulse of the room and defer 'til later
Make sure the code works
Make the decks better
Show up as early as you're comfortable. Definitely by 8:45, though earlier gets you more settled and gives you more time to review
Plug in computer- both to power cord and projector
Figure out what the next toy problem is
Review the slides.
Rethink which questions you want to ask
Open up your toy problem code and review/re-solve
Open up the deck and go through it an initial time
Hone in on anything that you're not clear on
Investigate everything you can't explain with 100% confidence
Clear up the slides so these points of confusion are more clear to the students
Make sure the code in the slides actually works
What are the key takeaways?
Can you add in an extra few slides to make that more clear?
Can you refactor the whole deck to focus on those things more?
Can you add in a bonus section on a related topic?
What are the key takeaways?
Can you add in an extra few slides to make that more clear?
Can you refactor the whole deck to focus on those things more?
Can you add in a bonus section on a related topic?
Can you add in more visualizations?
Can you add in more explanations in the notes sections?
Can you add in questions to ask to future students? Can you add in points of confusion from the current lecture?
See if there's anything else you can do to the deck after the presentation.
What confused the students?
What was unclear as you said it out loud?
Off by one errors- step through the code. can be a good excuse to show exactly what the code is doing.
If that doesn't immediately solve it, defer to fireside
Scribely questions- if it's an important JS or CS concept, discuss. Otherwise, fireside
Time Complexity- Know it. If you're not great at it now, learn it. You'll be better for it, and so will your students.
Don't be afraid to say "I don't know". Oftentimes lead with that "I'm not an expert in this area, but we're going to show you a little regex."
Don't let students assist your lectures
Questions 2
It's super important that you make it ok and good to ask questions.
Don't get defensive. The students will often ask aggressive sounding questions. Rise above it. Defer to fireside.
If you don't know the answer, say so, and invite them to come figure it out with you fireside.
Step out from behind the podium and get closer to the students when they're asking questions.
Punctuate your lectures with movement.
Pause intentionally.
Step out from the podium on the important slides.
Tell the students when you're going to be lingering on something.
Tell the students when you'll be going off on a side adventure, and why that adventure is worthwhile.
Prep the students with things that will be coming up later in the deck.
Change your voice. Change your intonation. Keep yourself excited and engaged.
Purposefully pull yourself back into the presentation. If you feel yourself flagging, do something that gets you interested or excited again.
Your students are non-caffeinated, potentially hungover, distracted, and half of them haven't done the problem.
Spend extra effort drawing them in.
Tie things into larger CS concepts- key takeaways are perfect for this. make it useful in a larger scope than just this particular solution.
Be energetic! Even if the students don't respond, they still appreciate it. Trust me.
Wear your energetic, fun, colorful clothing.
Have your "thing". Give students something predictable to look forward to about having you as a lecturer
Add gifs
What to call yourself
You're an:
Algorithms Master
Any combination of the above
I prefer Algorithms Lecturer
Imposter Syndrome
You were intentionally selected to be a part of TGA (trust me, working in admissions, this is a MUCH higher bar than you understand).
You were intentionally selected to be an HiR
You were intentionally selected to be a Toy Problem Lecturer, by people who know you well and have studied your performance in WAY more depth than you currently know about for 3 months.
You are meant to be here.
Pair Preparation
Discuss the deck with the other presenter. Pair on it.
Questions to ask students
Potential questions the students are likely to ask
Key Takeaway- what do each of you see as the Key concept from this lecture?
Bugs and wording updates- this makes sure you're both on board
Updated visualizations/slide deck- ricochet ideas off of each other and accelerate the rate of change
NEVER make a last-minute change to the master deck. Always fork and make the emergency changes there.
Alert your pair to any changes you make after they've reviewed it
You're all going to do great, but you each have different enough strengths that you can make each other remarkably better.
Compare notes with your pair after the lecture
Come in early to give each other feedback once a week
Ask Instructors for feedback.
Have prep teaching sessions with Instructors.
If you have a few close friends in the audience, ask them. "I think that went pretty well, but what could I do to make it even better next time?"
"What could I have explained better?"
Always model a neutral thumb. Give them explicit instructions for what each thumb means. Ask them to show their confidence they can explain it.
Make everyone give you thumbs.
Excitedly ask people with neutral thumbs to turn that confusion into a question. Do this with enthusiasm and positivity. Make their question asking a good thing, not a scary/intimidating one.
Thumbs on people's confidence on the problem/ did they do it?
At the end of each major section of code, pause and ask for open-ended questions
At the end, pause and ask for open-ended questions before they embark on today's toy problem.
These slides need more.
Sometimes the Key Takeaway is just showing something they know, but visualizing it in a really compelling way.
If you have any inclination for it, adding more visuals to this deck would be an amazing legacy to leave.
You're scheduled for 2 hours a week
You're lecturing 1.25 times per week
Take it on as a personal challenge to make a substantial improvement to at least one deck per week.
This is one of your first ways of giving back to this amazing TGA community you're clearly choosing to be a part of.
This role is amazing
You're being given an amazing opportunity- you get to transition students' mental states in ways much more pervasive than any single library will ever matter to them
You're the chosen guardian of their mornings- you set the tone for how their day starts
You get to show them the light. You get to show them the right and beautiful ways of doing things.
Toy Problems have more of an impact on the job search than any other single thing TGA teaches (ok, maybe other than the resume).