Toy Problem Solution Lecturing!!

You get to be an instructor at the most amazing educational institution in the world.


  • Key Takeaways
    • Why are they going to be better engineers for having listened to this lecture?
  • Enthusiasm
  • Empathy
    • Understand the common failure patterns
  • Thumbs Check. All the time. 
  • Questions
    • Put the question back on the asker
    • Take the pulse of the room and defer 'til later
  • ​Logistics
    • ​Make sure the code works
    • Make the decks better


  • Show up as early as you're comfortable. Definitely by 8:45, though earlier gets you more settled and gives you more time to review
  • Plug in computer- both to power cord and projector
  • Figure out what the next toy problem is
  • Review the slides. 
  • Rethink which questions you want to ask


  • Open up your toy problem code and review/re-solve
  • Open up the deck and go through it an initial time
  • Hone in on anything that you're not clear on
  • Investigate everything you can't explain with 100% confidence
  • Clear up the slides so these points of confusion are more clear to the students
  • Make sure the code in the slides actually works
  • What are the key takeaways?
    • Can you add in an extra few slides to make that more clear?
    • Can you refactor the whole deck to focus on those things more?
    • Can you add in a bonus section on a related topic?


  • What are the key takeaways?
    • Can you add in an extra few slides to make that more clear?
    • Can you refactor the whole deck to focus on those things more?
    • Can you add in a bonus section on a related topic?
    • Can you add in more visualizations?
    • Can you add in more explanations in the notes sections?
    • Can you add in questions to ask to future students? Can you add in points of confusion from the current lecture?


  • See if there's anything else you can do to the deck after the presentation. 
    • What confused the students?
    • What was unclear as you said it out loud?


  • Off by one errors- step through the code. can be a good excuse to show exactly what the code is doing. 
    • If that doesn't immediately solve it, defer to fireside
  • Scribely questions- if it's an important JS or CS concept, discuss. Otherwise, fireside
  • Time Complexity- Know it. If you're not great at it now, learn it. You'll be better for it, and so will your students. 
  • Don't be afraid to say "I don't know". Oftentimes lead with that "I'm not an expert in this area, but we're going to show you a little regex."
  • Don't let students assist your lectures

Questions 2

  • It's super important that you make it ok and good to ask questions. 
  • Don't get defensive. The students will often ask aggressive sounding questions. Rise above it. Defer to fireside. 
  • If you don't know the answer, say so, and invite them to come figure it out with you fireside. 
  • Step out from behind the podium and get closer to the students when they're asking questions. 


  • Punctuate your lectures with movement. 
  • Pause intentionally.
  • Step out from the podium on the important slides. 
  • Tell the students when you're going to be lingering on something. 
  • Tell the students when you'll be going off on a side adventure, and why that adventure is worthwhile. 
  • Prep the students with things that will be coming up later in the deck. 
  • Change your voice. Change your intonation. Keep yourself excited and engaged. 
  • Purposefully pull yourself back into the presentation. If you feel yourself flagging, do something that gets you interested or excited again. 


  • Your students are non-caffeinated, potentially hungover, distracted, and half of them haven't done the problem. 
  • Spend extra effort drawing them in. 
  • Tie things into larger CS concepts- key takeaways are perfect for this. make it useful in a larger scope than just this particular solution. 
  • Be energetic! Even if the students don't respond, they still appreciate it. Trust me. 
  • Wear your energetic, fun, colorful clothing. 
  • Have your "thing". Give students something predictable to look forward to about having you as a lecturer
  • Add gifs

What to call yourself

  • You're an:
  • Instructor
  • Teacher
  • Leader
  • Algorithms Master
  • Lecturer
  • Speaker
  • Any combination of the above
    • I prefer Algorithms Lecturer

Imposter Syndrome

  • You were intentionally selected to be a part of TGA (trust me, working in admissions, this is a MUCH higher bar than you understand).
  • You were intentionally selected to be an HiR
  • You were intentionally selected to be a Toy Problem Lecturer, by people who know you well and have studied your performance in WAY more depth than you currently know about for 3 months. 
  • You are meant to be here. 

Pair Preparation

  • Discuss the deck with the other presenter. Pair on it. 
  • Questions to ask students
  • Potential questions the students are likely to ask
  • Key Takeaway- what do each of you see as the Key concept from this lecture?
  • Bugs and wording updates- this makes sure you're both on board
  • Updated visualizations/slide deck- ricochet ideas off of each other and accelerate the rate of change
  • NEVER make a last-minute change to the master deck. Always fork and make the emergency changes there. 
  • Alert your pair to any changes you make after they've reviewed it


  • YES!!!
  • You're all going to do great, but you each have different enough strengths that you can make each other remarkably better. 
  • Compare notes with your pair after the lecture
  • Come in early to give each other feedback once a week
  • Ask Instructors for feedback. 
  • Have prep teaching sessions with Instructors. 
  • If you have a few close friends in the audience, ask them. "I think that went pretty well, but what could I do to make it even better next time?"
  • "What could I have explained better?"


  • Always model a neutral thumb. Give them explicit instructions for what each thumb means. Ask them to show their confidence they can explain it. 
  • Make everyone give you thumbs. 
  • Excitedly ask people with neutral thumbs to turn that confusion into a question. Do this with enthusiasm and positivity. Make their question asking a good thing, not a scary/intimidating one. 


  • Thumbs on people's confidence on the problem/ did they do it?
  • At the end of each major section of code, pause and ask for open-ended questions
  • At the end, pause and ask for open-ended questions before they embark on today's toy problem. 


  • These slides need more. 
  • Sometimes the Key Takeaway is just showing something they know, but visualizing it in a really compelling way. 
  • If you have any inclination for it, adding more visuals to this deck would be an amazing legacy to leave. 


  • You're scheduled for 2 hours a week
  • You're lecturing 1.25 times per week
  • Take it on as a personal challenge to make a substantial improvement to at least one deck per week. 
  • This is one of your first ways of giving back to this amazing TGA community you're clearly choosing to be a part of. 

This role is amazing

  • You're being given an amazing opportunity- you get to transition students' mental states in ways much more pervasive than any single library will ever matter to them
  • You're the chosen guardian of their mornings- you set the tone for how their day starts
  • You get to show them the light. You get to show them the right and beautiful ways of doing things. 
  • Toy Problems have more of an impact on the job search than any other single thing TGA teaches (ok, maybe other than the resume). 

Fill it with Gratitude

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