ATOMIC is a collection of web episodes about the occurrences in the life of a protagonist that chooses to view everything in short cinematic form. It is an anthology about how the modern day average joe can succeed in the real world based on the knowledge and experience he gains by being a hero inside of the fictional world he invents.
The title of the show originates from the concept of being both a minuscule portion of reality in the grand scheme of things but also striving to become or be part of something much larger than yourself. Much like, in a very rudimentary sense, an atom. It is so small it cannot be seen yet it is what makes everything up. Each episode incorporates film a different film genre or theme to experiment with the juxtaposition of reality and how such worlds alter the way in which we carry out our lives.
Over the summer, I decided to start a new stage to my content that was parallel with the changes in my life and would allow me to improve the way I made videos, force me to create more, and be consistent.
Phase Two:
*Script Reading
Protagonist's "Destiny" with Goal
Relationships Develop. Gain New Allies
Reach Destination
Antagonists defeated for 1st time.
The Game's "Challenges" become series' interstitial stories
Cast & Crew = $420
Gear & Equipment = $255
What I Have = $0
ATOMIC would rely on a crew that can carry out their assigned role properly. However, depending on WHICH video is being made, the WHOLE crew is not required for each video and the roles can be switched around. For LEVELS, all of the following will be needed:
Team Workflow:
The following are the roles for the main characters in "Levels" and its Story Arch throughout the rest of the series. The cast for interstitial episodes afterwards will differ and almost never be the same.
Consistent Uploads
Create Network
Preview/ Tease
Lead to YouTube
K. I. S. S.
Questions, Concerns, Criticism, Advice?