CoderDojo in Austria

An Introduction

What is CoderDojo?


  • Global network of volunteer-led, free programming clubs for kids between 7 and 17
  • Learn programming in a playful way, no school, no tutoring
  • Professional programmers act as mentors


  • More than 1,000
    CoderDojos around the world
  • Dojos work based on the CoderDojo Charta
  • Austria: CoderDojo Linz for two years, Vienna started recently, Horn is in preparation


  • Free, no obligations
  • Mentoring team prepares exercises for inspiration ("Sushis")
  • Games, apps, web sites, electronics - everything that's fun is possible

CoderDojo Linz

CoderDojo Linz

  • Started in July 2015
  • Every Friday in the Wissensturm Linz
    (16:00 - 18:00)
  • Typically 50-60 kids and 10 mentors per Dojo
  • Over 40 prepared Exercises

CoderDojo Linz

  • Scratch
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • Python
  • Java 
  • Minecraft Modding
  • C#
  • IoT (Arduino with C++)


  • Coding Club Linz e.V.
  • Mentoring volunteers
  • Rooms provided by city of Linz
  • Supporting companies


Further Information

When will you come and visit?

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