Teaching Bibliometrics at the University of Manitoba
Cody Fullerton
ND-MB ACRL Symposium
May 13, 2019
Grant Applications
Carpenter, Cone and Sarli. 2014. doi: 10.1111/acem.12482
“My contribution to the (x) papers produced during the time I worked in (x lab) consisted of [list technical contribution]. Collectively, these (x) papers have been cited over (x) time(s) in [Scopus/Web of Science]."
“This project produced (x) non peer-reviewed articles, (x) reports for (y) purpose, (x) magazine articles, (x) newspaper articles, (x) presentations for (y) audiences, and (x) book chapters.”
“My most highly cited work (brief cite) has been cited (x) times, viewed (x) times by online readers with (x) full text downloads. Additionally, the work has been referred to by news media outlets (x) times; tweeted (x) times worldwide; saved in (x) Mendeley accounts and commented on (x) times in blog sources].”