​There are many effectual therapies for phobia treatment. Phobia has been defined as an irrational, excessive and unrelenting fear of a particular situation or an object. The phobia lodges itself deep in the subconscious. Although the conscious area of the brain knows that the phobia is unfounded, it will still persist.

What Are the Most Effective Therapies For Phobia Treatment

No-one really knows why phobias occur, although genetics could play a part. A frightening experience from the past could also be the cause. Fear is a basic human instinct and it is vital for survival. But, when fear begins to affect a person's life, it needs to be addressed.

You can have a phobia about anything. Some common ones are the fear of animals, being alone, injections, heights, flying, death, open spaces, or fear of the dark. More bizarre phobias include men with beards, apples, or colors. When fear sets in, the heart rate increases, sweating occurs, and feelings of panic and anxiety are experienced.

If your life is being affected by a phobia, you could try the self-help method first. You will have to confront your phobia at its worst and let the feelings of fear and anxiety ride themselves out. This method can be very successful if you do it with others in a support group.

If this does not help, you might have to see a therapist. Your subconscious can be desensitized to reduce fear. When dealing with the actual phobia, the therapist will slowly include it into therapy. Let's say you have a phobia about cats. Your therapist will start by showing you a picture of a cat.

When you are able to look at a picture with less fear, your therapy can progress. The next step will be to actually see a cat. This process continues until you are eventually able to touch a cat. You can try this method with the help of your family and friends before resorting to a therapist.

Exposure therapy, also called flooding therapy, requires you to confront your phobia in a situation that makes you really scared. The rationale of this is that feelings of intense anxiety cannot last for longer than 40 minutes. Just a few sessions of flooding therapy can change the way your subconscious thinks.

PanicBuster.com was created by anxiety treatment expert David Mellinger, MSW (RESUME). Click on the link to learn more about anxiety, worry, phobias, and obsessions and compulsions (OCD).

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