Practical use of drones in everyday life
Nemanja Stefanović
Drones vs. Robots
Tesla first patented remote control - Teleautomation
Robot - term coined by Karel Čapek in 1921
Unimate - first industrial robot in 1954
Ryan Firebee - one of the first drones created in 1951
MQ-1 Predator - development started in the 1980s
"Drone is an unmanned robot that travels through air or water"
Fixed wing - MTIS Pegaz 011,Predator, Reaper, Global Hawk etc.
Rotary wing - Kamov Ka-175, SAAB Skeldar etc.
Multi rotor - Lockheed Indago, Draganflyer, DJI S600, MultiWii etc.
Types of drones
Military vs. civilian drones
Military drones dominated the airspace in the 20th century
Expensive & complicated technology were to blame
More and more civilian drones exist nowadays
DIY geeks and affordable electronics are paving the way for civilian drones in the 21th century
Mutltirotor drones is the way to go!
This talk will focus on multirotor drones...
So, how do they work?!
Multirotor elements
Few elements:
FCB - flight control board
ESC - Electronic Speed Control
Multirotor flight mechanics
3 axis of movement:
Movement is adjusted by changing the RPM of the motors
Multirotor uses
Any ideas???
DHL, Amazon etc.
6 biilion $
Market Size
Legislation & Laws
Thank you!