Hi-quality Collectibles
Interactible toys
(now collectibles)
Poliguri Mercedes 207, CTT correios. Photo by Paulo Santos, My Poligur Collection
unique similarities with Siku (models with same unique wheels, similar accessories)
Poliguri re-created their own version of the well-known 'Siku' wheel with it's thin white-wall containing the company name. Substituting 'Guri' for 'Siku', the Poliguri version looks much the same but it is actually a bit different.
Poliguri made the most of limited castings by producing a variety of Mercedes-Benz vehicles with the same cab but different rear bodies. A tow truck, ambulance, gasoline truck, camper, mini-bus and mini-truck all originate from this casting.
VW "Carocha"
VW "Pão de Forma"
Mercedes "Rabo de peixe"
Citroën "Boca-de-sapo"
Renault 5
Renault 4
Unique, popular, multiple functions?
(Pão de forma)