Autor: Carlos Batman
Author: Carlos Batman
Templates em Django - Django4FrontEnd
Fat models
Thin views
fonte: Vokal
Templatetags em Django - Django4FrontEnd
Templatetags em Django - Django4FrontEnd
fonte: Django Project Docs
Expressões que podem ser usadas em templates django para gerar ou adaptar conteúdo.
Ligam funções a templates
Templatetags em Django - Django4FrontEnd
# templatetags/
from django import template
# ... any other imports you need...
register = template.Library()
def obter_transformada(*args):
fonte: Django Project Docs
{% load appname_tags %}
<!-- template.html -->
{% obter_transformada 'a' 'b' 'c' %}
Templates em Django - Django4FrontEnd
the Django template system is not simply Python embedded into HTML.
This is by design: the template system is meant to express presentation, not program logic
Templatetags em Django - Django4FrontEnd
def as_comma_separated_string(list_of_stringable_items):
Returns a string composed of all items on a list, separated by a comma and a space
.. warning: Each item on the list must be convertible to a string without error
:param list_of_stringable_items: The list of stringable items to be enumerated
:type list_of_stringable_items: list (or something enurable, but list is the expected type)
:returns: a string containing all items on the list, separated by commas
:rtype: { string }
..code-block:: html
<!-- if some list is ['a', 'whatever'] -->
{{ some_list|as_comma_separated_string }}
<!-- will return 'a, whatever' -->
return ', '.join([str(item) for item in list_of_stringable_items])
Exemplo 1 - Filtro
Templates em Django - Django4FrontEnd
Templatetags em Django - Django4FrontEnd
{{ variavel|filtro }}
{{ variavel|filtro:"parametro" }}
def filtro(value, arg=None):
Returns a string with ' filtrada' appended to the string representation of 'value'.
If an additional argument is sent,
it also appends ' com ' and the value of 'arg' to the returned value
:param: value The value to be filtered
:type: value String, or any other value that can be converted to a string
:param: arg An additional argument
:type: arg String, or any other value that can be converted to a string
:returns: A string similar to the first parameter's value and some additional content
:rtype: String
.. code-block:: html
{{ 'text'|filtro:'whatever' }}
if not arg:
return "%s filtrada" % (value)
return "%s filtrada com %s" (value, arg)
Templatetags em Django - Django4FrontEnd
{% simples %}
{% simples "par1" 2 %}
def obter_transformada(*args):
Returns a string with 'Transformada fica: ' and the value(s) of all parameters
appended to it, separated by spaces.
:returns: A string similar to the first parameter's value and some additional content
:rtype: String
.. code-block:: html
{% obter_transformada 'It is' 'done' 'ok not yet' 'now it is' %}
return " ".join([str(arg) for arg in args])
fonte: Django Project Docs
Templatetags em Django - Django4FrontEnd
def obter_transformada(*args):
return {
"quote": " ".join([str(arg) for arg in args])
fonte: Django Project Docs
Mesma coisa que 'simples', mas:
<!-- dumbtemplate.html -->
Your answer: {{ quote }}
Templatetags em Django - Django4FrontEnd
def obter_transformada(*args):
Returns a string with 'Transformada fica: ' and the value(s) of all parameters
appended to it, separated by spaces.
:returns: A string similar to the first parameter's value and some additional content
:rtype: String
.. code-block:: html
{% obter_transformada 'It is' 'done' as transformada %}
{{ transformada }}
return "quote": " ".join([str(arg) for arg in args])
fonte: Django Project Docs
Mesma coisa que 'simples', mas:
Será substituída pela simple_tag, que pode ser usada desta maneira a partir do django 1.9
Templates em Django - Django4FrontEnd
from classytags.core import Tag, Options
from classytags.arguments import Argument
from django import template
register = template.Library()
class Hello(Tag):
name = 'hello'
options = Options(
Argument('varname', required=False, resolve=False)
def render_tag(self, context, name, varname):
output = 'hello %s' % name
if varname:
context[varname] = output
return ''
return output
Tag + Assignment Tag
from classytags.helpers import InclusionTag
from classytags.arguments import MultiKeywordArgument
from classytags.core import Options
class IFrameTag(InclusionTag):
Renders an IFrame HTML element with a specific src, and also width and height, which are both set to 0 by default.
.. code-block:: html
{% iframe src='//' width=500 height=400 %}
<!-- will output -->
<iframe src='//' width='500' height='400' frameborder='0'></iframe>
name = 'iframe'
template = 'someapp/iframe.html'
options = Options(
MultiKeywordArgument('options', required=False),
def get_context(self, context, options):
default_options = {
'src': '',
'width': 0,
'height': 0
default_options.update(options or {})
options = default_options
return options
<!-- someapp/templates/someapp/iframe.html -->
<iframe src="{{ src }}" width="{{ width }}" height="{{ height }}" frameborder="0"></iframe>