2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
HTML 5.0 | Candidate Rec | Call for Review | Recommendation |
HTML 5.1 | 1st Working Draft |
Last Call |
Candidate Rec
HTML 5.2 |
1st Working Draft |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title of the document</title> </head> <body> <!-- content of the document --> </body>
“I think the biggest mistake that we made, as a company, is betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native… Because it just wasn't there…” (Mark Zuckerberg, September 2012)
“Hybrid mobile apps are the future of app development” (Nick Heath in CIO Insight, February 2013)
“Mobile apps will soon be dead.” (Brian Kennish, former Google engineer, May 2011)
“Native Apps are dead, long live Native apps!”(Dan Yoder, CTO at Border Stylo in Slashdot, June 2011)
“All the problems [of mobile web] can be solved if Apple, Google, Microsoft and the rest will just stop shutting out HTML5″ (Dan Rowinski at Mozilla, November 2012)
“HTML 5 is the way almost all applications will be built, including for phones.”(Eric Schmidt, February 2011)
Current Mobile OSes
Programming Languages
Android (Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG,...)
iOS (Apple)
Blackberry 10 (BB)
Windows Phone 7, 8 (Microsoft, Nokia)
Java, Adobe AIR, WebView
Objective-C, Adobe AIR, UIWebView
C/C++/Qt, Adobe AIR, Java (Android), HTML5
C#, Visual Basic, WebBrowser
Mobile OSes coming this year (2014)
Programming Languages |
FirefoxOS (Alcatel, LG, ZTE, Huawei)
Ubuntu mobile OS (bq, Meizu)
TizenOS (Linux, Samsung, Intel, Huawei...)
SailfishOS (Jolla)
QML, Java (Android), WebView, HTML5
iOS |
Xcode and Objective-C
Android |
Eclipse/Android Studio and Java for Android |
Windows Phone |
Visual Studio .NET and C# |
"Famo.us is a powerful JavaScript framework designed to build rich, interactive web applications. It is the only framework that provides an open source 3D layout engine fully integrated with a 3D physics-based animation engine that can render to DOM, Canvas, or WebGL. Famo.us is currently in public beta."
Apple | Famo.us |
2D Physics Black box De-coupled Native only 2007 technology |
3D Physics Open Integrated Web + [UI]WebView 2014 technology |
BuonJobs v1.0 (beta):
Front-End | Back-End |
JS Libs Backbone.js PG Build plugins PG Build wrapper |
Django framework PostgreSQL |