Developers Review

by curtismchale

Theme or Plugin???

Does that custom code go in a theme or a plugin?

  1. In your functions.php
  2. A fully custom plugin

If you want the functionality to live past this current theme
then it goes in a plugin

If it's specific to this site design, it goes in the theme

WordPress Actions 

Actions indicate that something happened

Like the 'pre_get_posts' action that runs before WordPress gets posts

You can add_action to catch 'pre_get_posts' and change the posts WordPress is getting

Action example

Lets get published and scheduled posts

Wordpress Filters

Filters allow you to change things as they run

Like 'wp_mail_from' which allows you to change who the WordPress stock emails come from

So you add_filter with 'wp_mail_from' and change the email

Filter example

Lets make WordPress use my email as the send from email

Site Security Rules

1. Never trust the User

photo credit: lydia_shiningbrightly cc

2. Never Trust the User!

photo credit: levork cc

3. Escape as Late as Possible

4. Use Nonces

Number Used Once

Tie them to a $post_id

We'll cover nonces more later

5. Never Trust the User

photo credit: Dunechaser cc

6. Whitelist

But blacklisting??
  • infinite amounts of options you don't want
  • have to maintain that infinite list

7. Check Formats

8. Sanitize on Input Validate on output

When we output use the esc_* functions

When we are doing input (saving) we sanitize
  • check to make sure we have the expected data

9. Never Trust the User

photo credit: HelloImNik cc

Now Lets Try It

Validate and Sanitize this

Reference the Codex


Validate and sanitize answers

Roles and Caps

Roles are things like:
Administrator, Author, Subscriber

Caps are things that the roles can do like:
activate_plugins, read, save_post

Check for Caps not Roles

Add Caps when you Add functionality

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