Understanding our users to provide a better experience
Defining personas will help us understand the use cases we need to cover to cover most of the shared needs within the application
“The personas are archetypes built after a preceding exhaustive observation of the potential users” (UCD method)
Let's start with a set of 4 most common personas we can find, at least in an IT organisation, using Jangouts.
And lets have fun while building their profiles!
Role: PM - Manager
Age: 45
Status: Married
Location: Nuremberg, Germany
Friendly. Makes jokes from time to time. Assertive. Helpful.
Red hat. Open Source. Trello.
Results, demos, presentations, Q&A, planning, progress report, status, *conflict resolution*
Ipad. Linux workstation. Windows laptop. Firefox. Chrome/ium. Not always the latest version.
Fully concentrated on what everyone is saying/showing.
Durante reuniones donde los topicos son mas personales se presta mas atention a la totalidad de los participantes.
Understanding where the team is in the road map. Track and guide the development of the product.
Role: Scrum master
Age: 35
Status: Married
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Open, friendly, helpful, communicative, leader
Is father. Google products. Open Source. Best practices.
Coordination, sprint status, backlog, general alignment, mood of the team, conflicts discovery.
Linux workstation, Mac. Chrome/ium, Firefox.
Fully concentrated on what everyone is saying/showing.
During meeting where more personal talking is involved, the attention in all participants increases. Pays much attention to details.
Coordinate and make sure the meeting has accomplished the team and PM's objective. Make a good use of the time frames. Keep the team focused.
Role: Team member
Age: 30
Status: Single
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Controller. Geek. Straightforward. Non-empathic. Meticulous. Picky.
Open source. Best practices. Security & privacy. Encryption.
Straightforward application. No registration required. Deep demonstrations of his works. Get questions answered. Influence team and PM's decisions.
Linux workstation. Firefox and Chromium.
Fully concentrated on what everyone is saying/showing to be able to make comments and influence the decisions.
Be able to control, somehow, the direction of the development.
Role: Team member
Age: 30
Status: Single
Location: Nuremberg, Germany
Extroverted. Lackadaisical. Distracted. Friendly. Procrastinator.
Mobile. Social networks. Privacy isn't a problem for him. Google, Github, Trello..all new trends are his referents.
Socialise. Joke. Send animated gifs. Quick/Brief demos. Short meetings.
Linux workstation, Mac, Chrome/ium, Firefox.
Low interest in what people are talking until they mention his name. Pays attention only to what concerns him. He doesn't always want to use the camera. Doesn't make many questions to finish the meeting faster. Facebook and Whatsapp are a big distraction.
It is an obligation to attend.
1. Make each profile.
2. Interview stakeholders matching the profile to create some use cases.
3. From the most commonly mentioned use cases, work on UI proposals.