Safe Surfin'

           Protecting your personal info online.

November 10th, 2018


  • Introduction
  • Rules n’ Such
  • Current Events
  • Mini Workshops
    • What is VPN/TOR?
    • Safe shopping online
  • Thank You/Resources

Who are we? Who are you?

  • We are the…
    • The Cypurr Collective: A group of folks that organize cybersecurity workshops and socials, looking to spread knowledge and talk about privacy rights!
  • ...and you are?
    • Name
    • Pronouns (i.e. he/him, she/her, they/them, etc)
    • In a few words, what brings you here today?

A few rules for this workshop …

  • Share the space!

    • Ask a question, give a comment, leave room for others to speak

  • Stack!  Raise your hand, we will queue speakers

  • Saf(er) Space

    • We DO NOT tolerate language or behavior purposefully meant to demean or harm others

    • Don't pressure anyone to discuss their experience/threat model/situation

    • Consent: Ask before helping someone out, e.g. before taking their device

  • Photo/Video- No photo/video without asking!

  • Reporters/Researchers: Make yourself known

  • Bonus Rule: Try not to invalidate experiences!


Current Events

Story #1: State Surveillance

  • Army targeting SM surveillance of Trump critics
  • Federal Gov moving toward centralized surveillance system.

Story #2: War of the ads

(Cypurr recommends uBlock Origin + Privacy Badger)

Story #3: Apple and Right to Repair

  • Right to Repair
  • Apple is a Hardware company (v. google/MS)

Story #4: SSD fails

  • Most "self-encrypting" SSDs vulnerable
  • Windows Bitlocker also affected
  • This is a hardware-based-encryption exploit, use software (Veracrypt)

Discussion: Boycott Amazon

Mini Workshops

  1. Intro to VPN and TOR

2. Safe shopping online

Thank You and Resources

  • CyPurr Collective


    • Facebook & Twitter

  • Sign up to our email list too, we won’t spam ya!

  • Further Resources

    • NYC CryptoParty Meetup/CryptoParty Harlem (Meetup)

    • HackBlossom (

    • Tactical Tech Collective-

    • Holistic Security, MyShadow, Data Detox

  • EFF- Surveillance Self Defense (
  • Freedom of the Press Foundation (


  • Here again on Dec 30th
  • Open meeting here Thursday 11/15 @ 6:30pm
  • Find more on Facebook/Twitter

Thank You!

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