Perception requires interaction

Theory requires praxis

Theory: an orderly, integrated set of statements that describe, explain, and predicts


Normative Age-graded influences

Normative History Graded influences

Nonnormative influences

Lifespan Perspective

Development is...

  • Multidirectional
  • Multidimensional
    • Biological
    • Cognitive
    • Social
    • Emotional
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Multicontextual
  • all about plasticity, our ability to change

The Lifespan

What is 'age'?

  • Biological v. Psychological v. Social ages

Active v. Passive

Stability v. Change

Before Psychology

  • Preformationist View
  • John Locke (1632-1704)
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
  • Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
  • Karl Marx (1818-1883)
  • Arnold Gesell (1880-1961)

Where does knowledge come from?

Quick History of Developmental theories

Context and Theoretical Development

Beginnings of Psych

(Big ol' racist)



Post-modern critiques

  • Who are developmental theories for?
  • Relationship of Science + Power (Foucault)
  • What assumptions are made?
  • Dynamic of subject and researcher (student and teacher)
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