Cryptoparty for CUNY students

~ Jon Pickens


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Your Perspective

Importance of security/privacy



  • Threats students (and peers) may face?
    • Cyber harassment (doxxing)
    • Potential employers (googleable)
    • law enforcement (&ICE

Example: ICE


  • Students can be undocumented
  • Students may have undocumented family
  • Your peers may be undocumented

Online collaboration and ...ICE?


ICE builds profiles by surveilling social media

ICE has active contracts with major tech companies to aid in surveillance

Just one example, other police surveillance included in HART

Holistic Approach

Holistic Approach

  • Balance, not purity
  • Improving, not finishing

Threat Modeling

  1. What do I want to protect?
  2. Who am I protecting it from?
  3. How likely is this threat?
  4. What are the consequences if I fail?
  5. How much trouble am I willing to go through to prevent the consequences?
  6. Implement change && return to (1)

Actor Mapping

  • Improves understanding of threats
  • Reveals new threats/allies
  • Helps prioritize threats

Threat Modeling CUNY

A Simple Actor Map            


IT Dept



Fed Gov

City Tech


  • 4th amendment
    • No unwarranted search
  • 14th amendment
    • Penumbra- right by implication
    • due process --> Marital privacy (same sex marriage 2015)
  • Privacy Act 1974
    • Restricts federal surveillance to foreign entities
    • Restricts federal disclosure of records
  • Patriot Act 2001
    • Lowers barriers to surveillance
  • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 1967

New York State

  • Freedom of Information law (FOIL)
    • Agencies responsible for responsible discolure of databases
  • Personal Privacy Protection Law
    • Only collect necessary info
    • Must disclose to law enforcement, and inform user (unless it "impedes" investigation)
  • Internet Security and Privacy Act
    • State agency cannot collect/share info without user consent (includes implied consent)
  • CUNY Computer User Policy
    • Computers are for CUNY duties and (limited) socializing
    • IT may monitor individual e-mails, websites, other communications as part of
      • routine security monitoring
      • to diagnose tech issue
      • When failure to do so may harm individuals or make CUNY vulnerable to liability
      • Reasonable belief of a law being violated
      • Unusual account activity

Instructors & Peers


  • Responsible for student records (FERPA, federal)
  • May assign work outside of CUNY infrastructure  (e.g. googledocs)


When should(n't) we use an .edu email?




  • Better Passwords
  • Intro to Mobile Security

Mobile Security

How do we communicate?


How does tech communicate?



Internet/cell infastructure


Operating system

Phone Hardware






What can my phone do?

  • Feature & Smart Phones:
    • Dial pad, touch screen, camera, mic, GPS,battery, bluetooth, cellular data,Call/SMS, antenna
  • Smart Phones:
    • Accelerator, biometric scanner, NPC, Wifi


  • iPhone v. Android
    • Determine what apps can do?
  • App questions:
    • What permissions does it ask for? required?
    • What info does it ask for?
    • Who owns the app? (FOSS?)
    • How does the mobile browser site compare?

Browser v. Facebook

  • Pros of the FB app
    • Convenience
    • Notifications
    • Offline access
  • Pros of the FB website via browser
    • FB has less access to your device
    • Fewer updates
    • More control of data

Providers and Infastructure

  • Infrastructure
    • Who has access?
    • Their policies/legal requirements?
    • What can they see?
  • Providers
    • What laws apply? Net Neutrality
    • What is their business model?

Easiest steps

  • Phone settings
    • Lock screen/ phone encryption
    • Turn off what you don't use
  • Browser
    • Firefox
    • Brave
    • Tor (Android)
  • Communication
    • Signal
    • Riot
  • Social media
    • Browser or FOSS app (F-Droid)

Setting up a phone

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