- It looks like C is a tool for programmers do great things, with few resources.
- Syntaxis similar to Python.
- Open Source, Community contribute.
- Readable and compact == less code.
- More simple system of typed than others typed languages.
- Standard library with packages for common tasks.
- Concurrence
- Administration of
- Network Infrastructure
- Tools and systems for others programmers.
- Operating systems.
- Machine Learning.
Yes, but maybe is more complicated
- Web.
- Mobile.
- Frameworks: Beego, Gorilla, Revel, Martini, Hugo.
- Cons: New frameworks, missing features, the development is more slow than Django or Rails.
- Pros: constant development, all project realize in Go.
-From December of 2014 Go supports Android development. Native or Library/Package
- From August 2015 Go supports iOS development.
- Pros: the same code for all plataforms.
a) Linux / ubuntu
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-lxc/lxd-stable $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install golang
b)Mac OSX
installation with Brew:
$ brew install go
c) Windows
Download a executable https://golang.org/doc/install?download=go1.6.windows-amd64.msi
strings, integers, floats,
booleans, etc.
package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, Rocka") }