What is Kubernetes?
Kubernetes Goals
Kubernetes Basic Architecture
Awesome Kubernetes Demo!
What Now?
kubectl run html-frontend --image=html-frontend:1.0 --port=80 --env
kubectl run java-consumer --image=java-consumer:1.0
kubectl run ruby-producer --image=ruby-producer:1.0
kubectl run status-api --image=status-api:1.0 port=5000
kubectl run queue --image=rabbitmq:3.6.6-management
# View the pods created by the deployments
kubectl get pods
# Run docker type commands on the containers
kubectl exec -it *POD_NAME* -- bash
kubectl logs *POD_NAME*
# Create a deployment for each container in the demo system
Services provide a durable end point
kubectl expose pod queue --port=15672,5672 --name=queue
The above only creates an internal endpoint, below creates an externally accessible endpoint
kubectl expose pod html-frontend --port=80 --name=html-frontend --type=NodePort
kubectl expose pod status-api --port=80 --target-port=5000 \
--name=status-api --type=NodePort
The website is now externally accessible at the cluster endpoint
kubectl logs java-consumer
kubectl logs java-consumer -f
# Notice the java-consumer cannot connect to the queue
# The following command makes the queue discoverable via the name queue
# Running the command again shows that it is connected now
# Create an endpoint for the HTML page as the REST API Service
The preferred alternative to using shell commands is storing configuration in yaml files. See the kube directory
kubectl delete -f kube/
kubectl delete pods --all
kubectl create -f kube/
# Delete all objects made previously
# Each object has a matching file in the kube directory
# Recreate everything
K8S has a default dashboard
kubectl proxy
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret \
$(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret \
| grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}')
# Get the authentication token
# configuration specific - most cloud providers have something similar
# create a tunnel from the cluster to the local machine
K8S will automatically load balance requests to a service between all replicas. Making subsequent requests to the html page reveals different pod names.
kubectl scale deployment html-frontend --replicas=3
K8S can create replicas easy and quickly
# Scale the NGINX deployment to 3 replicas
K8S can scale based on load.
kubectl autoscale deployment java-consumer --min=1 --max=5 --cpu-percent=50
# Run this repeatedly to see # of replicas created
# Also, the "In Process" number on the web page will reflect the number of replicas
# Maintain between 1 and 5 replicas based on CPU usage
kubectl get deployments
K8S will automatically restart any pods that die.
docker ps -f
# View the html-frontend pods
# Containers are regenerated immediately
# Forcibly shut down container to simulate a node\pod failure
docker rm -f *CONTAINER*
docker ps -f
If the endpoint check fails, K8S automatically kills the container and starts a new one
kubectl get pods
path: /healthz.html
port: 80
initialDelaySeconds: 3
periodSeconds: 2
path: /healthz.html
port: 80
initialDelaySeconds: 3
periodSeconds: 2
Specify health and readiness checks in yaml
# Find frontend pod
# Simulate a failure by manually deleting the health check file
# See the restart in the event logs
kubectl exec *POD_NAME* -- rm /usr/share/nginx/html/healthz.html
kubectl get events | grep *POD_NAME*
K8S will update one pod at a time so there is no downtime for updates
kubectl set image deployment/html-frontend html-frontend=dalealleshouse/html-frontend:2.0
Viewing the html page shows an error. K8S makes it easy to roll back deployments
kubectl rollout undo deployment html-frontend
# Roll back the deployment to the old image
# Run repeadly to see the number of available replicas
# Update the deployment image
kubectl get deployments
The demo covers a subset of the most notable K8S features. Some more to investigate on your own:
Stateful Sets
Daemon Sets
Cron Jobs
So Much More...