Complex webs of 


a mediological analysis of Reality TV Viewing practices

What do you Watch?

Survivor  fan practices:

  • Fan Fiction
  • Office Pools
  • Amateur Survivor Shows
  • Message Boards
  • Blog Comments
  • Intro Remixes
  • Tweeting with Jeff Probst
  • Spoiler Sites

Traditional approaches to television in cultural and media studies

Frankfurt School
  • Adorno and Horkheimer

Birmingham School
  • Stuart Hall

Audience Studies
  • Morley and Fiske

Reception VS.  Action/Production 

What is mediology?

  • Mediology is a synthesis and critique of received media and technology theory that opens up a larger network model of mediation by focusing on social, political, and economic institutions of transmission and the cultural embeddedness of all technologies.

  • Mediology asks questions in parallel interdependent ways: how does an idea become a material force, and what are the social and institutional mediations that give media and communication technologies their cultural power?

Key Elements of Debray's 

mediological method

  • Resists overly abstract notions of ideology
  • Examines how our representations of the world are transformative and have lived consequences
  • Emphasizes research practices in context
  • Situates everyday practices in relation to larger historical and cultural structures
  • Non-deterministic view of technologies
  • Knowledge changes depending on the tools used to produce it
  • Rejects unilinear mode of communication

Melinda Turnley's 

"Toward a mediological method"

  • Technological
  • Social
  • Economic 
  • Archival
  • Aesthetic
  • Subjective
  • Epistemological

What is the mediological method?

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