How technology can enhance the delivery of invasive plant management in British Columbia

Presented by:

Dana Diotte

GIS Technician

Technolgies Currently Used for Invasive Plant Management:


  • Hyperspectral Imagery
  • Drone (UAV's)
  • Mobile Data Collection
  • Advanced Data Science (Machile learning and AI)
  • Nano Satellites
  • Citizen Science

Hyperspectral Imagery

  • Ultraviolet and infrared radiations
  • Hundreds of spectral bands
  • High resolution
  • Can detect phenological differences
  • Costly needing lots of storage and powerful computers.

Source: Altigator (2018)

 Drone (UAV's)

  • Cost effective
  • Collects data 'on demand'
  • Can be used to detect and/or monitor invasive plants at various stages
  • Need a licensed pilot to fly a UAV
  • Weather can affect flying
  • Limited range depending on quality of UAV and payload
  • Good on sensitive or challenging terrain.

TerraLuma UAV w/ Hyperspectral system

 Mobile Data Collection

  • Reduced cost
  • Increase speed
  • Data quality
  • Improved control and flexibility of fieldwork
  • Safer storage and backup
  • User friendly method
  • Quick access to data

 Mobile Data Collection Workflow

source: geogears

 Advanced Data Science

(AI/Machine Learning)

  • Fairly new for invasive species research
  • Relies heavily on imagery and remote sensing
  • Algorithm needs to be trained.
  • Can be used to:
  1. Predict spread of species
  2. Mitigate spread of species
  3. Contain spread of species
  • Needs powerful computer and lots of data storage


 Nano Satellites

  • Still very new
  • Relatively inexpensive compared to regular satellite launch
  • Hyper Spectral (over 200 bands) with good spatial resolution
  • Can collect data for any area on the Earth's surface. (eg. provincial park)
  • Can help with early detection of invasive species.

ESTCube-1 1U CubeSat

Source: Wikipedia

Facts as of October 28, 2018

  • Nanosats launched: 966
  • CubeSats launched: 878
  • Interplanetary CubeSats: 2
  • Nanosats destroyed on launch: 86
  • Most nanosats on a rocket: 103
  • Countries with nanosats: 58
  • Companies in database: 323
  • Forecast: over 3000 nanosats to launch in 6 years




 Citizen Science

  • enables scientists to collect large amounts of data over wide areas at a minimal cost
  • enables participants to make a direct contribution to research
  • enables researchers to have broader impacts with their science
  • Can be coordinated by groups or can be individuals contributing



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