Experiments in Persistence

- funky databases -

Daniel Lauzon

November 2016

OPD Knowledge Sharing

inspired by L4 fail fast


  • Landscape
  • One Trend
  • Selection
  • Demo


  • Big Data
  • Cloud Native
  • Column Store
  • Time Series
  • Key-Value
  • Document Database
  • Graph Database
  • In Memory
  • Device Generated
  • High Concurrency Ingestion
  • Shared Nothing
  • Auto Sharding
  • Redundancy
  • ACID
  • Eventually Consistent


  • Postgres, MySQL,..
  • CouchDB
  • Neo4j, ArrangoDB, Cayley
  • VoltDB, NuoDB
  • ScaleDB (over MySQL)
  • MemSQL
  • Prometheus
  • Crate.io
  • CockroachDB
  • InfluxDB

One Trend

  • Container native
  • Horizontally scalable
  • Managed Volumes
  • Masterless

Today's Menu

  • PosgreSQL
  • Crate.io
  • CockroachDB
  • InfluxDB


  • Prometheus/Grafana


  • WIP
  • Synthetic Data
  • Measure with Metrics
  • Deployed in Containers
  • Multiple Backends


  • Ancillary Discussions
  • JS: RxJS, Generators
  • Kubernetes
  • Grafana/Prometheus
  • Generator
  • Crate
  • CockroachDB
  • InfluxDB
  • PosgreSQL
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