I Congreso Internacional sobre Periodismo de Datos
Nuevas narrativas para el Periodismo Especializado
26 de febrero de 2016
Daniele Grasso
Jesús Escudero
Adrián Blanco
Antonio Esquembre
(y consigue el tema o el enfoque que nunca nadie había conseguido)
Just like journalists like to describe their work as “giving a voice to the voiceless”, datajournalism could be the act of measuring the unmeasured. By measuring a problem, a datajournalism team transforms it from a series of stories in an issue that can be followed in time and rigorously assessed. The methodology chosen for a data collection can have tremendous consequences on the results.
Fuente: blog.nkb.fr
@nicolaskb (Journalism ++)
3 de Octubre de 2013, Lampedusa
Actores paneuropeos
Gabriele Del Grande, periodista
University of Helkinsi
"Very low numbers of illegal migrants arriving to the Canary Island and more than a thousand of human lives saved- that is the outcome of Frontex coordinated operation Hera III"
Frontex Executive Director, Mr Ilkka Laitinen
Principales hallazgos:
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Toda la metodología de The Migrants Files' - The Money Trails:
registra en el país de destino