Optimizing Page Loads

How fast a page gets from



Time gets spent in three places:

1. Server

2. Network

3. Browser

Time gets spent in three places:

1. Server

2. Network

3. Browser

Browser Time

What do we care about?

  1. Get something on the screen

  2. Get "all" content on the screen

  3. Respond to input

Browser Time

What do we care about?

  1. Get something on the screen

  2. Get "all" content on the screen

  3. Respond to input

First Paint

First Contentful Paint

First Interactive

Two main constraints:



Recap of Techniques:

  • Use a CDN (Network)
  • Bundle: fewer HTTP requests (Network)
  • Cache static assets (Network)
  • Split deferrable code (Network/CPU)
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