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Fun facts about AngularJS

  • Founded in  2009 
  • Maintained by  Google 
  • Weight only  104 KiB  in production
  • Has more than 52,000  tickets in Stack Overflow
  • Has 13,829  related projects in Github
  • Using Angular: NewRelic, YouTube, Lynda, Sphere :) 

What's AngularJS?

Framework. Not library. Just framework.
Made with 100% Javascript.

Main concepts

  • Model - Application data
  • View - What the user see
  • Controller - Application behaviour
  • Scope - Glue all parts together

  • Module - configures the injector
  • Injector - assembles the app

ng-app example

  <script src="angular.js"></script>

  <div ng-app="">

ng-app example

  <script src="angular.js"></script>

  <div ng-app="">
    Hello {{name}}

ng-app example

  <script src="angular.js"></script>

  <div ng-app="">
    Hello {{name}}, you're {{70 + 11}} years old.

ng-app example

<div ng-app="">
  <div ng-controller="FirstCtrl">
    Hello {{name}}, you're {{age + 11}} years old.  </div></div>

var FirstController = function($scope) {
  $ = 'Ronen';
  $scope.age = 70;

ng-app example

<div ng-app="">
  <div ng-controller="FirstCtrl">
    <input type="text" ng-model="age" />
    Hello {{name}}, you're {{age + 11}} years old.

var FirstController = function($scope) {  $ = 'Ronen';  $scope.age = 70;}

ng-app example

<div ng-app="">
  <div ng-controller="FirstCtrl">
    <input type="text" ng-model="age" />
    Hello {{name}}, you're {{age + 11}} years old.
    <button ng-click="sayMyName()">Say my name!</button>    </div></div>

var FirstController = function($scope) {  $ = 'Ronen';  $scope.age = 70;  $scope.sayMyName = function() {    alert($;  };}

How does it works?

  • Browser loads the HTML and then the AngularJS script.

  • Angular waits for DOMContentLoaded event and looks for ng-app directive.

  • The module specified in ng-app is used to cofigure the injector.

  • The injector is used to create $compile service and the $rootScope.

  • $compile compiles the DOM and link it with the relevant scope.

Let's build.

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