Remote Self Study Python - Group 3

Daniel Wheeler

What is Software Carpentry?

  • Teach computer skills for research tasks
  • "get more done in less time with less pain"
  • Since 1998
  • 500 workshops, 16000 learners, 450 instructors
  • Volunteer organization

Why is this useful?

How does this work?

  • Software (Jupyter, Text Editor + command line,
  • I'm assuming you have no experience with Python (if I teach)
  • Please ask me to slow down in the chat interface
  • Just 1 hour today and then 2 x 1 hour subsequent meets
  • Is everyone on the Slack channel?
  • Pre-workshop survey:
  • I'm signed in twice in case my computer crashes
  • You'll need a view of the presentation in Google Meet and a view of your python environment (two windows)

Code of Conduct

  • Comfortable and enjoyable environment to learn


  • Please add your name, choose a color
    • Include why you want to learn Python?
  • Etherpad:
  • Please chat in the Etherpad (Google Meet chat is not persistent)



  • Ensure you have Jupyter installed (it will help)
  • Does everyone have a Python environment?
    • print("hello world")
    • What version of Python?
    • import numpy
  • Please contact me in Slack afterwards to work through any setup issues

Using Jupyter (notebook or lab)

Why learn Python?

  • It's a programming language - doesn't matter

  • Alternatives: Matlab, Mathematica, Perl, Ruby, Julia

  • Widely used in science

  • Widely used outside of science (web platforms, data science)

  • Number 3 on TIOBE index (Java, C, Python),

  • What else: huge active community, many scientific libraries, high level, open

  • Some drawbacks (types, reproducibility)

Study Material

  • SWC, heavily Pandas based


  • Python like you mean it


  • Automate the boring stuff


  • Any other ideas? Other books, learning materials?

  • Would you like me to teach this with live coding?

    • 1. Self study only

    • 2. Self study + live coding from select parts

    • 3. Turn into workshop with all live coding


  • Find a problem in Python that you have an issue with as you work through the material
  • Either show that you now understand it or ask for help in the meeting
  • Homework for next week
  • Show the code and talk through it a little bit
  • Example
    • How do I merge two dictionaries?
    • How do I reindex a dataframe in Pandas?
    • How do I even read my data into Pandas or a Numpy array?
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