Eder, M. Visualization in stylometry: Cluster analysis using networks. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32, 50–64 (2017).
Te present study is not intended to reopen the above authorship question, although the Starnone hypothesis will play an important role here. Instead, the paper attempts at testing the stability of the authorial signal in the works by “Ferrante”, whoever the actual author turns out to be. Rather than simply unmasking the name, the paper will test whether – and if yes, then to which extent – the unmasked author’s own novels differ stylistically from the works published as “Ferrante”.
Но об этом позже!
<...> the above-mentioned Gatti investigation has placed the focus very strongly on just two suspects, and his insistence on Raja rather than Starnone certainly deserves serious consideration. This is why, apart from the above general study, I compared texts by Ferrante, Starnone and Raja’s translations of Wolf in a separate series of tests.
Figure 4 shows a network visualization of this set, and results are quite clear again.
Here, too, Starnone seems to be married to Ferrante rather than to Raja;
...есть и более знакомая нам визуализация:
<...> this is not the first time that I investigated a collective creative writing effort by a couple. In a recent study, I looked for the respective strengths of the authorial signal of Jacek Dehnel, a writer, and his partner Piotr Tarczyński, a translator <...>. Contrarily to the Starnone/Raja ménage, the Polish authors never denied having written the two texts;<...> they always presented that as their joint effort. And yet there, too, the stylometric signal in the texts was exclusively that of the writer Dehnel – as if Tarczyński had no hand in this, and I know he had (2016). There is not enough evidence to speak of a universal mechanism in such cases; but this is one thing that might bring Anita Raja back into the Ferrante story.
there is no running away from the unwelcome fact that Raja’s stylometric signal was modelled on that of her translations of a single writer, Christa Wolf, rather than her own writing. Stylometric studies into this area present a mixed picture: on the one hand, in translations of the same text, or even of the same original author, made by different people, the dfferences of the translators’ own signals can be discernible (Rybicki and Heydel, 2013). On the other, when more original authors and more translators are involved, some translators seem to have their own stylometric fingerprint, while others successfully avoid identification (Burrows, 2002).
Very often, the translated texts cluster by the original author (Rybicki, 2012, 2016). Raja may belong to either of those translators, but – especially since she has only translated Wolf – there is no way to find out which. From this point of view, the entire experiment would contain an inherent flaw, and this raises important doubts. Obviously, stylometric authorship attribution of the kind performed in this study is quite helpless if the real author is not present in the reference set of texts, and Raja might in fact be absent, and all I was comparing with Ferrante was some sort of an Italian stylometric signal for Wolf.
> data(lee)
> stylo (frequencies=lee)
Тереза "Тэй" Хохоф, редактор "Убить пересмешника"
фото отсюда
Maciej Eder, Jan Rybicki (2016). Go Set A Watchman while we Kill the Mockingbird in Cold Blood, with Cats and Other People
Maciej Eder, Jan Rybicki
Мэри Вестмакотт ≈ Роберт Гэлбрейт
Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis. Pessoa's Heteronyms by Almada Negreiros, 1958.
Arguably, a clear pattern appears: while the early novels show little similarity with the assumed virtual “Ferrante”, the late works are assigned to this class with more and more confidence of the classifier. Almost all of the segments of L’amore molesto from 1992 (Fig. 4a) are classified as “Starnone”, with an exception of a relatively short passage at the end of the novel. The voice of the virtual “Ferrante” is more noticeable in I Giorni dell’abbandono from 2002 (Fig. 4b), this time at the beginning of the novel. In La glia oscura (2006) the share of segments by “Ferrante” is roughly equal to those of “Starnone”. In the novel L’amica geniale. Infanzia, adolescenza (2011) the style of “Ferrante” becomes predominant, which is even more visible in Storia del nuovo cognome published 2012 (Fig. 4c). This novel is a triumph of the virtual author
J. Rybicki, M.Heydel. The stylistics and stylometry of collaborative translation: Woolf’s Night and Day in Polish // Literary and Linguistic Computing 28 (4), 708-717
Choiński, M., Rybicki, J. (2016). Jonathan Edwards and Thomas Foxcroft: In Pursuit of Stylometric Traces of the Editor. In Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts. Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University, Kraków, pp. 147-149.
Consecutive segments of Edwards's Mind (1723); throughout the work, Edward's signal (red) dominates over the (absent) signal of Foxcroft.
Consecutive segments of Edwards's Humble Inquiry (1749); in many other fragments, dominated by Edwards (red), Foxcroft's impact is still visible. The lower band shows the strongest signal; the upper, the second strongest.
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Promised to stop if his 35,000-word anti-industrialist “manifesto” was published in major newspapers
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Авторство книги Primary Colors
Дело Дерека Бентли
Adversarial stylometry
Виноградов В. В. (1961) Проблема авторства и теория стилей
М. Ю. Михеев, Л. И. Эрлих (2017 доклад). Идиостиль и определение авторства текста по частотам служебных слов (люди переизобрели Delta, не зная о ней... 🚲 🚲)
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И даже стилеметрия шахмат!