The untapped power of web apps.
by Dan Tello, which rhymes with Mayo.
Also... I really like mayo.
Designer —>
Front End Developer
8+ years with mah ladies!
+ 1 or 2 kids in a couple weeks...
+ 1 or 2 kids in a couple weeks...
6 month and 18 month old brothers!
Why another Native vs. Web discussion?
It's not a problem of technology.
It's a problem of focus.
Just because someone understands the value of mobile
Native iOS Integrations
But none were needed. They were just cloning the web app.
Responsive? Meh.
Mobile will have the native apps
mobile traffic!
Misunderstanding = Missed opportunities.
A disparity exists, but...
It's not a problem of technology,
it's a problem of focus.
Misunderstanding is holding us back
If clients don't understand the value, we won't be given the time.
Our clients and teams need clarity if we want to move forward.
- Animation (60fps)
- "Native" feeling single page apps
- Home screen apps
- Offline modes
- Icons
- Splash screens
- Push notifications (on Android)
- Geolocation
- Touch Gestures
- Camera access
- DeviceMotion access
- Web Audio API (AudioContext)
- WebSockets
All the things!
(or at least a lot of the things!)
The natural world doesn't glitch
When we understand how our browsers render
"High Performance Web Animations"
by Paul Irish & Paul Lewis
transform vs
is an awesome resource
Enable homescreen apps
<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<link rel="icon" href="app-icon.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="app-icon.png">
Add Icons
<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="/startup.png">
Add Startup Image (iOS only)
<input type="file">
Native gets these for free:
Tapping (any number of taps)
Pinching in and out (for zooming a view)
Panning or dragging
Swiping (in any direction)
Rotating (fingers moving in opposite directions)
Long press (also known as “touch and hold”)
(web app in a native wrapper)
<audio> vs AudioContext
Inputs -> Effects -> Destination
// Create an Audio Context
var context = new AudioContext()
// Create a source
var source = context.createBufferSource()
// Add Volume Node
gainNode = context.createGain()
// Tell the source which sound to use
source.buffer = someAjaxLoadedBuffer
// Set the volume
gainNode.gain.value = 11
// Connect the source to the volume effect
// Connect the volume node to the speakers
// Play the sound now
Demo: synthesized guitar
DeviceOrientation and DeviceMotion
alpha z access
beta front to back
gamma left to right
x east/west
y north/south
z up/down
alpha z access 0-360
beta x -180 to 180) front to back
gamma -90 to 90 left to right
webkitCompassHeading 360°
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
foo(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude)
navigator.geolocation.watchCurrentPosition(function(position) {
foo(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude)
browser: "Hey server, gimme some data."
server: "Some data."
browser: "A user just submitted a form!!!!1"
server: "Cool."
Traditional http communication is
a one-sided conversation
server: "hey browser, a million people just logged on"
client: "Woah, I'll display that on the page! BTW,
my user just logged out."
server: "Aight."
WebSocket connections are bi-directional
WebSockets are awesome for:
is a great place to get started
Create opportunities to try that one new
thing you been wanting to do
My Personal Pointless Weekend Goals
Advantages Web has over Native
Advantages Web has over Native
Advantages Web has over Native
Advantages Web has over Native (recap)
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