What is it and Why should you care?
PyWeb-IL #90
By: Benny Daon
By: Princiya
By: Sean Dubois
By: Andrew Prokov
pc = new RTCPeerConnection({
iceServers: [ { urls: iceServers }],
certificates: myCert
pc.addTrack(track, stream...)
.then(desc => pc.setLocalDescription(desc))
pc.onicecandidate = signalMagic
pc.onconnectionstatechanged(e => {
switch(pc.connectionState) {
case "connected":
// The connection has become fully
// connected
case "disconnected":
case "failed":
// One or more transports has terminated
// unexpectedly or in an error
case "closed":
// The connection has been closed
onOffer(offer) {
let sd = new RTCSessionDescription(offer)
RFC 4960: Stream Control Transmission Protocol
The computation and management of RTO in SCTP follow closely how TCP manages its retransmission timer.
RFC 4960: Stream Control Transmission Protocol
C7) A maximum value may be placed on RTO provided it is at least RTO.max seconds.