Allows us to be very user-centric:
Their Anne is their own, and they
get to decide how she behaves.
Anything can be made a setting,
and in time, most things will.
The dashboard HAS:
Settings for every module
Speech settings
Fine-grained permissions
Content / media control
the server bunch
...or the technical mumbo-jumbo that makes it all work together
server-side anatomy
Amazon services - authentication, data storage, automation, settings (AKA an "API", but that's quite
innacurate here).
Miniflux - the server software we use for news.
Nextcloud - the server software we use for calendars (and potentially much more).
more importantly...
The thing that makes the dashboard work...
Which in turn allows the AnneNext client to work.
In a way, the "heart" of the operation.
the speech stack
...asr, tts, Classifiers and other big words. simplified, i promise :)
TTS - text to speech
You send it text, it speaks it out
It can be in various languages
It can use various voices
And we aim to make it all configurable
(via the dashboard)
ASR - automatic speech recognition
AKA Speech to text (STT)
You speak to it, and it turns that speech into text
Also supports various languages
We also aim to make it configurable via
the dashboard
the avatar library
The part that ties ASR, TTS and the AnneNext client together.
Where ASR brings recognition of phrases, the library makes the client "understand" the phrases - what should be shown on screen, what should Anne say back, etc.
This is a part of the local AI (Anne comes with multiple AI elements).
A short recap
AnneNext client reads settings from servers
Dashboard writes settings to servers
ASR recognizes speech
TTS makes text into speech
The Avatar library makes ASR and TTS
"talk" to the AnneNext client.
telemetry & AI
...or how we get to know whether a user likes something. and much more!
the data we collect...
Is completely anonymized*
We collect it to learn from it:
How to improve Anne as a product
How to improve Anne for the user
Make sure the user is doing good
Find ways to make their lives easier
the data we collect...
Allows caregivers to track well-being
Track trends across time
Provide meaningful insights via our AI /
Analysis tools
the data we collect...
Is a vital part of the global AI
(the one that runs on servers)
Will ultimately allow us to adapt
Anne to the users needs
"Seeing" a user's habits, Anne will
make herself more useful to
said user