Online 2020


Online 2020

  • It's not a place you go, it's a layer behind everything you do. 
  • No mouse, no keyboard. You interact with via natural user interfaces.
  • Personalized content to you at any time, all the time.
  • Lets you create and construct almost anything.

What will change is how we interact with the Internet


  • Walls, windows and surfaces will become additions to our interactive world.
  • Car windscreens will hold live, interactive transport maps and shop windows will promote live offers, who's just bought what and demo catwalk shows.

In Everything

  • When we go running, our sports shirt will monitor our heart rate with in built cardiogram
  • Based on traffic flow, it will tell us when's safest to cross the road

Goodbye Privacy

  • Sign up to protection companies who will encrypt and secure our data, selling it and exchanging it on our behalf to other companies who wish to use it.
  • We will be able to sell data around different elements of our lives- the more personal, the more valuable it will be (health data will come at a premium, but then so will healthcare; personal interest and information on web usage will be cheap as dirt)


  • More and more people will stop commuting and will start telecommuting.
  • Working from home, many will save not only on gas but also on clothes.
  • With not so crowded streets, cars may start to be driven by cyber-pilots and travel alone (to meet their owners, or simply bring supplies back.)


  • Smaller and more number of warehouses instead of large central warehouses.
  • Google+ hangouts meet Amazon Video-on-demand
  • Trying out clothes without actually trying them
  • Highly personalized experience - your allergies will be considered before ordering food
  • Deep integration to devices and life (Sensors in your bathrooms will measure the quantities of shampoo and will order refills automatically)
  • Lockers like mail boxes for goods


  • All the commerce will be done with a unique global currency using credit services from Amazon, Facebook and Apple global banks.
  • We will not have any more credits cards, passports or driving licenses, all those identification items will be merged as a service that we will reach in the cloud by hundreds of “Mobile Devices” that will be part of our cloths or even integrated into our bodies. 
  • Lots “old retail” real estate space will be free.

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