
Ethereum Jam

David Roon

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Ethereum Jam

Let's have fun with Ethereum



The world's computer!

Your weapons

  • Blockchain
  • Ether (GAS)
  • Solidity (smart contract)
  • Whisper
  • IPFS
  • Any browser framework
  • your creativity

Smart contract

- Your game rules

- Your game state

- Account management out of the box

- Easy to implement "accounting system" (for money, points ...)

contract MyGame is Game{
    function attack(uint army_size, address opponent)
            attackOpponentWithArmy(sender, opponent,army_size);

    function attackOpponentWithArmy(address me, address opponent, uint army_size){
        //do something here

Dev libs and tools

- Whisper PubSub protocol

- Web3 javascript lib

- test RPC

- ethereumjs-tx

- truffle

- IPFS (and the client lib)

- Game Engine / Framework


Ether camp

- Your Ethereum provider


- transaction explorer / debugger

- contract explorer / debugger

Ether.camp DEMO

Useful links

  • https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki
  • test.ether.camp
  • www.ether.camp
  • https://ether-camp-friends.slack.com
  • https://github.com/ConsenSys/truffle
  • https://github.com/ethereumjs/testrpc
  • https://ipfs.io/


  • In the browser
  • Multiplayer
  • Ethereum to take care of your state

Basic principles

  • NameReg and blockchain immutability
  • How to call a contract from JavaScript
  • Difference between a call and a transaction
  • read / write separation
  • smart contract logging
  • transaction synchronization
  • questions?



Let's hack!

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