Mark Zubovsky
JavaScript Architect
UI/UX, Peopleware
@ InspiRational
Production & Highload ready
Walmart Mobile, PayPal Mobile,
Linkedin Mobile, Netflix, Uber,
Yahoo Mail, MySpace, Yammer,
Voxer, Trello
and so on...
Black Friday 2013. 200M visitors. 55% of US traffic — Mobile, handled by Node.js
2M+ requests per minute handled by Node services
Node services doubled the number of RPS
Business tenets:
Innovation, Productivity, Developer Joy,
Hiring/Retaining Talent, Cost Saving
Quotes from slides by Joe McCann
Slow. Animating snowflakes and other not serious stuff
Fast. Very Optimized. The most popular language on GitHub.
Continiously improved by Google, Mozilla, Apple etc.
Node.js is used by Enterprises. Still has drawbacks and bad parts
ES6+, more optimizations, language improvements
500K * 5 = 2.5M hits / 12 hrs
≈ 208K hits/hr
≈ 3.5K hits/min
≈ 60 RPS (120 in Peak)
≈15M users/mo