Different Political Styles

What are their ideologies and how would they work on the island setting.

DiCtatorship (N. Korea)

  • Leader: Kim Jong Un
  • some would say mentally ill
  • is "God"
  • all must obey and worship
  • no one can challenge
  • strong military force
  • Nation is "perfectly happy"
  • nuclear threat

What would Kim Jong Un do on an island?

  • Would be take form as Simon or Jack
  • all must bow and worship leader
  • have a strong hunting force
  • mandatory hunting or defense service
  • would deny rescue if it were to come
  • threaten outsiders of the island to warfare,

but never go through with it


  • government owns all
  • everyone equal (classless)
  • equal pay, resources, social services
  • must work  (work driven state)
  • Utopia
  • one party system  (Communist Party only)
  • cannot "earn more" than others

SamnEric Party

  • no matter who you vote for, you get the same government anyway
  • Samneric own all
  • all get equal shelter, food, water, etc.
  • all resources pooled together and distributed
  • no biguns and littluns class system
  • all must work
  • Island Utopia



  • vote for a representative
  • supposed to meet needs of the majority
  • people have the power
  • can call a vote of non confidence
  • often corrupt

Vote for....

  • Boys find that Ralph is best and vote for him
  • later on do not like him
  • vote of non confidence and Jack becomes new leader
  • Jack becomes corrupt and abuses his power to take over the island


Social state

  • less extreme communism
  • social services are government owned (health care, school, etc)
  • still allows free market
  • luxuries are earned not given 

Social state On an island

  • basic shelter, food, water, clothing provided to all
  • luxuries like good food, a big shelter, that pretty grass skirt you've been eyeing on all must be earned through hard work.

     American Capitalism
    • must work for personal benefit
    • if rich you deserve it, poor means you are lazy
    • competition is good for economy
    • goal is to earn as much money as possible even at the expense of others.
    • you have "succeeded" if achieve a monopoly
    • society run on consumer demand


    Island Capitalism

    • have a made up currency like shells to buy and sell products and services
    • Jack and crew are the pig hunting services
    • Piggy would be the fire starter service man
    • Samneric would be personal servants
    • some kids' businesses will fail, while some flourish.


    • King or Queen absolute power
    • power is inherited 
    • dictator like power

    Who WOuld be King?

    • Which boy would most likely be husband or boyfriend material thus able to marry a queen and become king?
    • Ralph:  hottest boy in the group, decent leader, BRITISH
    • Jack: most dictator like, "bad boy" and BRITISH
    • Piggy:  cute, chubby, and BRITISH


    • no strict form of government
    • rules if there is any are not enforced
    • disorganization
    • everyone is either solo or form their own small groups
    • violence could easily break out
    • So........  exactly what happened on the island

    TWitch PLAYS POkemon

    • thousands people watching a live stream of Pokemon were able to type in commands to control the character
    • players had the option to choose to play democratically or anarchically 
    • somehow with thousands of people controlling one character they beat the game
    • shows that everything will work out in the end
    • events in the game create a story made up by the fans
    • fans made a religion and worship the Mighty Helix Fossil

    Class Plays Lord of the Flies

    • We control Simon or Ralph
    • each member of the class can shout out commands to tell the main character what to do
    • the class collectively can choose the to democratically or be an anarchy

    What is your ideal way to run your island?

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