Narrative Map
& Outline of Ideas

This is our narrative map that we have used to create a timeline of events for our video. We colour coded each part of the song: 

  1. Yellow - is the bridge and we added slow scenes as it is less paced, and we thought it would be good to have slow scenes so that the music video flows and doesn't become overwhelming.
  2. Orange is the verses. These parts we are trying to add scenes that will engage the narrative with the meaning of the lyrics. 
  3. Blue is the chorus. This is where the beat gets very fast and more dynamic. Therefore we will add scenes that are bold and emotive to fit the song. 

The narrative map shows how our ideas are organised in relation to the timing of the song. It shows shots and locations and how long they last for. We will use this when filming to ensure we do not record unnecessary scenes or spend too long filming. We will try not waste time recording long shots, and if we do we will have to edit the footage to fit the allocated time frame. 


We printed out our lyrics and annotated each line then applied it to the narrative map. This helped us to visualise our music video and helped us to allocate a range of shots we would like to record each scene in. E.g. tracking shots, POV, depth of field. Overall, we have found that this is a good guideline for us to plan our music video and organise our ideas and timing.

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