Are you looking for a guide that can teach you how to increase website loading speed in WordPress? If yes, then you have reached the right place. Here you will find the different methods to effortlessly boost your WordPress site’s speed.
Your WordPress site speed is not just for making people happy who visit your site, but it is more than that. If your WordPress site loads quickly, the search engine will also improve the ranking of your site. There are several techniques that you can use to optimize your site speed for better results. So, let’s start discussing all of them in a detailed manner.
Your hosting plays a crucial role in the loading speed of your organization. Sometimes you get stuck with a cheap hosting plan, but actually, they are providing you a shared space. For a fast website you should go for a dedicated server plan. That's where VPS or dedicated hosting comes in. They give you more resources and control.
Caching can improve your site speed. To understand how to increase website loading speed in WordPress, you should know the caching. It means creation of static pages for the users so that they can load quickly. It can be possible with the help of several plugins such as WP Rocket and W3 Total Cache.
Have you ever thought images can also be the culprit of the slow website speed? But it is Yes. If your website has high resolution images, then you should optimize them for improving your site speed. Even after knowing the images can slow your website, but you still want to add those images, then you can go for the ShortPixel or Smush tools to compress the images without even losing the image quality.
Let’s discuss how to increase website loading speed in WordPress using the code optimization technique. The code that runs behind the website. Including extra spaces, lines, and comments can slow down the website. Where you need to work on the minifying of code. This is required for WordPress performance. You can also use the different plugins of WordPress to boost the site’s speed, such as Autoptimize.
You can use the lightweight themes to speed up your site speed. Themes in WordPress are the framework of your site. They include several extra features that sometimes slow down the things. You can go for the highly recommended themes such as Astra, OceanWP, and so on.
Lightweight themes are designed for speed and performance, offering minimal code and optimized design. These themes are built for speed and performance.
Using CDNs, you can improve your site speed in the particular area where you want. CDN can help to improve the site loading faster around its nearby locations. This can store the files, such as images, CSS, on different servers across the different locations. When some will navigate to your site, then the closest CSD server will start responding. Some popular CDN providers such as Cloudflare and MaxCDN. Using a CDN is a great way to improve your WordPress loading speed and get a better WordPress speed test result.
You can not improve until you measure. You can use the tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom to review your site speed. Using these tools, you can extract the detailed report about the site performance and also highlight the areas for upcoming improvements.
Website speed matters a lot not only for the users but also for the search engines. Therefore, in this detailed article, we have discussed how to increase website loading speed in WordPress. You can try all of the above-mentioned techniques to boost your site speed for better user engagement and efficient SERP results. If you are new to digital marketing or a business owner looking for how to increase sales through digital marketing, you can check out the best digital marketing agency in Faridabad and their services.