
not another task runner tool

A task runner

  • Task runner is an application that automates time consuming, repetitive and boring tasks.
  • Allows to define steps, what they must do and how they are combined or  chained.

A gulp example...

// Concatenate JS Files
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    return gulp.src('src/js/*.js')

// Build CSS from SASS
gulp.task('sass', function() {
    return sass('src/scss/style.scss', {style: 'compressed'})
        .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))

// Complex task
gulp.task('default', ['scripts', 'sass']);

The webpack way

  • Webpack is a module bundler and not a task runner.
  • Analyzes dependencies among your modules (not only JS but also CSS, HTML, etc) and generates assets.
  • Understands multiple standards for how to define dependencies and export values: AMD, CommonJS, ES6 modules, ...

The flow

Traditional Build Tools

Webpack build

Module System


//Component 2
var jquery = require('jquery');
var react = require('react');
var _ = require('underscore');

    Code for a react component using jquery and underscore
//Component 1
var jquery = require('jquery');
var react = require('react');
var component2 = require('./component2.js');

    Code for a react component using jquery and component2 
//Page 1
var react = require('react');
var component1 = require('./components/component1.js');

    Code for a react component using  component1

Webpack CLI


npm install -g webpack

Basic usage

webpack <entry> <output>

Production flag

webpack ./app.js ./bundle.js -p
webpack ./app.js ./bundle.js

Production flag with source maps

webpack ./app.js ./bundle.js -p -d

With code watcher

webpack ./app.js ./bundle.js -w

Webpack Dev Server


npm install -g webpack-dev-server

Basic usage

webpack-dev-server <entry> --content-base ./
webpack-dev-server ./app.js --content-base ./
//File ./index.html served @



  • Command Line Interface (Passed when executed)
  • Using webpack API (for NodeJS) (Great to integrate with grunt, gulp or your own build scripts)
  • Configuration file (Not a JSON, it is a JavaScript file, really a module)

Webpack can be configured through:

module.exports = {
    // configuration


  • context: Base directory for resolving the entry option.  Note it is absolute path !!!
  • entry: The entry point of your bundle (the initial file where your application starts). Can be a string, an array or an object (for multiple entries).
  • output: Determines the out folder, file names, etc.
  • module: Options affecting normal modules, like which one must be automatically loaded.
  • resolve: Determines how modules are loaded.
  • target: Compiles depending the target environment (browser, node, webworker, etc).
  • devtool: Enhance debugging (generates map files).
  • plugins: Additional plugins added to the compiler.
  • ...

Three main conepts

  • Entry points: The first JS code executed when a page is loaded. Dependencies are analyzed from this first module.
  • Loaders: Transformations on a resource file. Each module is loaded through a loader (OMG !!! What a cacophony).
  • Plugins: Injects themselves into the build process to make all sort of crazy things.

basic example

"use strict";

var path = require("path");
var Webpack = require("webpack");

// Our configuration
module.exports = {
	// Define the entry point
	entry: path.resolve(__dirname, "js", "app.js"),

	// Output configuration
	output: {
		path: path.resolve(__dirname, "assets"),
		filename: "budle.js"

	module: {
		loaders: [
			// Inform about CSS loaders so that it can be bundled too
			{ test: /\.css$/, loader: "style-loader!css-loader" }

	// Generate source map files
	devtool: "source-map"
var content = require("./content.js");



module.exports = "It works !!!";


body {
    background: yellow;



> webpack app.js bundle.js


...and to use it.

Simply include the bundle.js in your HTML page

        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="bundle.js"></script>

Note, the CSS is included in the bundle but it is not applied until the bundle is loaded :(

Splitting code

  • Webpack allows to define more than one entry point.
  • Each entry can be packed with its own dependencies: in the same file, in a different file, or...
  • common dependencies can be bundled together in a separated file. (See CommonsChunkPlugin)
  • We can extract certain kind of contents to a different file (useful to pack all the CSS together).  (See ExtractTextPlugin)
  • Inject generated assets into HTML file.  (See HtmlWebpackPlugin)


  • Compiles SASS, LESS, stylus, etc.
  • Minimizes JS or CSS.
  • Generate map files (useful for production debugging).
  • Inline images and webfonts within CSS files as base64 (reducing number of server requests).
  • Offers a different way to create modular CSS code:
  • Allow to work with different scripting languages (you can require a CoffeScript module within a JS):
h1 {
  color: green;
var cffile = require("coffee!./file.coffee");
var content = require("./content.js");

// Execute exported method con coffescript


  • By default works fine with npm modules.
    • Install modules with:
    • Use it (note there are many ways to include external modules):


  • Easy integration with bower.
var $ = require("jquery");

$("p").css("color", "red");
npm install jquery --save

A more complex example

Application characteristics

  • Two different pages, each one with its own JavaScript code (two entry points).
  • Each entry point is packed together with its dependencies.
  • The CSS used for each entry is generated in a different asset file.

Code organization

"use strict";

var path = require("path");
var Webpack = require("webpack");
var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");

// Our configuration
module.exports = {

	// Define the entry point
	entry: {
	    app1: path.resolve(__dirname, "js", "app1.js"),
	    app2: path.resolve(__dirname, "js", "app2.js")

	// Output configuration
	output: {
	    path: path.resolve(__dirname, "assets"),
	    filename: "[name].js",
	    chunkFilename: "[id].js"

	module: {
	    loaders: [
		// Inform CSS modules must be bundled in another file.
                    test: /\.css$/,
                    loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader")

	plugins: [
	    // Extract all CSS content to a file
            new ExtractTextPlugin("[name].css")


console.log("Running app1...");

var content = require("./content.js");
var log = require("./log.js");

log("At app1...");


module.exports = {
  app1: "It works for app1 !!!",
  app2: "It works for app2 !!!"


body {
    background: green;
    color: white;


module.exports = {
  app1: "It works for app1 !!!",
  app2: "It works for app2 !!!"


body {
    background: green;
    color: white;


body {
    background: green;
    color: white;



console.log("Running app2...");

var content = require("./content.js");
var log = require("./log.js");

log("At app2...");


app1.js + app1.css

app2.js + app2.css


Useful links

http://webpack.github.io/ Webpack

http://habrahabr.ru/post/245991/ webpack: 7 бед — один ответ

https://learn.javascript.ru/screencast/webpack Скринкаст WEBPACK

https://robots.thoughtbot.com/setting-up-webpack-for-react-and-hot-module-replacement Setting Up Webpack for React and Hot Module Replacement



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