Declaration of independence

Do not destroy the immortal emblem of humanity, the declaration of independence. - Abraham Lincoln

Written by:
Diana Messer

Mrs. Davis Class 8/11


The Declaration of independence was intended to let Foreign countries aware that the united states has chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain. 

The Structures of the Declaration Is that

  • All men where created equal
  • All men have the basic human rights given by God
  • The government gives "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
  • When the government fails, it is the duty of the people to overthrow that government.

"Well kids 3 votes to eat at red robins and only 1 to eat at applebees! Red Robins it is!"

Consent of the people. The declaration added this purpose because without the peoples support and say there will be no government and no declaration.

The people have final say. Take electing representatives; the people decide who will rule office and who gets the boot.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights''


The government only exist because we give it power to. We give the government consent to rule and because we allow the government to rule over the people, we in return demand protection.
If the government fails to do its job, we have the right to overthrow the government and form a new one.

“Governments are INSTITUTED among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.''

Mine! Mine! Mine! and Mine!

Life, Liberty, and Estate. A natural born right that not even the government can take away. You are the only person that can give yourself those rights, and you are able to look into the future and plan a life for yourself.


The all American dream as most call it. The Declaration of Independence has done its part to the best of its abilities. There were times where several people felt that their rights were violated due to discrimination and other factors contributing to broken rights. There has been a few downfalls as every government will have. I would have supported the Declaration of Independence. Being able to rule as a separate country gives more room for the people to join together and more opinions to be taken into consideration. There is always a time where something becomes independent, and it was just our time to give each other a chance. 

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