The birth of new ideas

Rome was known for being the artistic centerpiece of all city-states in Italy. Rome was featured around the catholic church, The pope and the church had complete control over the territory. Although Rome was not known for having major industries, It was known for the artwork, writing, and the repair of crumbling relics of the Roman Empire. The one thing that I have to show you is the artwork in the churches. 

For example the one above... This stands for the creation of Adam. This artwork should be seen in every catholic church, But most importantly it is a famous piece of artwork that everyone comes to see. In one church the ceiling is covered in this picture because they believe in one god. I think you would be surprised at the dozens of different ways this one picture inspires so many people.

Florence, Italy was known for being the center of banking and trade, Making them a wealthy city-state. The population was divided into two guilds, one half mainly being Merchants and craftsmen while the other considered wealthy and powerful men. The factions struggled overtime to control the government. And you could only assume at first that if there were powerful men, and it was wealthy because they were the center of banking and trade I would think there would be a ton of rich families, well there was! but they didn't just live in fancy homes, They became rulers of Florence. 

Just like Rome, Florence supported the arts... One of the most famous artifacts named "The David," If you take a look in the bible it said Jesus was beat with only a cloth around this waist, David wanted to be brave like Jesus and chose to wear no armor, with only a sling around his waist, he then killed Goliath with skill and intelligence. The sculpture was created in 1501 by a 26 year old man by the name of Michelangelo David. The added detail is a must see! it is basically like a human covered in paint waiting to take a breath of fresh air. 

I am going to take you to Padrão dos Descobrimentos, This is a monument on the northern bank of the Tagus River... Located in Lisbon, Portugal. This place is known for exploration, Way back when a man by the name of Prince Henry encouraged the devdevelopment of navigation technologies and funded expeditions. While the portuguese were under Prince Henrys control he managed to lead them as far south Senegal on the african coast. This monument shows Prince Henry in the front, holding the boat because he himself may have not been a explorer but he did lead his people.

Bartolomeu Dias was another man, but he was a explorer. One day he guided his ship around what is called the "cape of storms" many ships have crash and sank there leaving many men wounded. Sailing his ship into the place named "cape of storms" revealing to many that it was capable to sail the ship around the cape. this place in Africa was soon renamed "cape of good hopes. You can find Bartolomeu Dias on the same statue as Prince Henry, He followed Henry and when the prince died he continued to pursue exploration because he knew that is what the prince would do. 

As many of us already know Wittensberg, Germany is known by a very important man Martin Luther. He has many catholic cathedrals and many memorabilia's that people still visit to this day. One of the most famous is called Reformation, this was when Martin was faced with complaints to the church about how he would use the money for whatever non-profit organization that he decided to pursue, Martin then nailed a list of complaints to the door of the German church. Although the complaints started way before he nailed the complaints to the German door, They started when men questioned the church about the wealth, and the authority of the pope.

 I want to take you to the Castle Church, This is the place that Martin nailed 95 theses to the door, gave some of his sermons there and is even buried just below the pulpit (the raised platform that a preacher gives his messages). The church itself had fallen due to the wars that have been raised and fought over time, But it has been rebuilt over and over to look as it did before. The meaning that the church carries, i believe will always be rebuilt due to the amount of dignity Martin had to even pin the complaints to the door.

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