In JavaScript, we can assign plain numbers to variables too. We can also reassign them and use them in other places in our JavaScript.
var myNum = 5
var numDisplay = document.querySelector('p')
var button = document.querySelector('button')
function addFive() {
myNum = myNum + 5;
numDisplay.textContent = myNum
button.addEventListener('click', addFive)
In HTML, we can create input fields and drop downs using input and select tags respectively.
<input type="text"/>
input tag
select and option
In JavaScript, we can select the values of inputs or selects using the .value property.
var nameInput = document.querySelector('#name-input')
var userName = document.querySelector('h2')
var btn = document.querySelector('button')
function changeName() {
userName.textContent = nameInput.value
btn.addEventListener('click', changeName)
We can write one function that will affect multiple elements by using the event parameter and the property target.
var div = document.querySelector('div')
var section = document.querySelector('section')
var aside = document.querySelector('aside')
function changeElemColor(event) {'red')
div.addEventListener('click', changeDivColor)
section.addEventListener('click', changeSectionColor)
aside.addEventListener('click', changeAsideColor)
< less than
> greater than
=== equal to
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to